Harnessing recreational games to enhance psychomotor skill development in 5-year-old children: Insights from Educational Institution in Huancavelica, Peru | Terrazzo-Luna E.G.; Coronel-Capani J.; Evanan-Yalle L.M.; Yauri-Huiza Y.; Pacheco-Baldeón E.; Càrdenas-Solano J.; Hassan A.K. | 2024 | 10.7752/jpes.2024.09252 |
A Comparison of the Co-Treatment of Urban Wastewater and Acidic Water Using a Ternary Emergy Diagram | Bravo Toledo L.; Montaño Pisfil J.A.; Rodríguez Aburto C.A.; del Águila Vela E.; Poma García J.A.; Poma García C.R.; Poma García J.L.; Montaño Miranda B. | 2024 | 10.3390/su16072609 |
Management skills and sustainability of rural enterprises in Peru; [Habilidades de gestión y sostenibilidad de emprendimientos rurales en Perú] | Ramírez-Arellano M.A.; Cardenas-Tapia V.R.; Paredes-Pérez M.A.J.; Leonardo-Aguilar T.E. | 2024 | 10.31876/rcs.v30i.42266 |
EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF AN EMPIRICAL EQUATION IN A GASEOUS FLOW | Lozano Povis A.A.; Sanabria Perez E.A. | 2024 | 10.23939/chcht18.01.057 |
Trees as drivers of urban vitality in public spaces case: Study of two urban parks in Huancayo, Perú; [Árvores como impulsionadoras da vitalidade urbana no espaço público: estudo de caso de dois parques urbanos em Huancayo, Perú]; [Los árboles impulsores de vitalidad urbana en el espacio público: Caso de estudio dos parques urbanos de Huancayo, Perú] | Gonzales Quispe S.G.; Orellana Tapia M.J. | 2024 | 10.18861/ania.2024.14.2.3791 |
Special educational needs in university education: Instructing for a dignified life; [Necesidades educativas especiales eN la formacióN uNiversitaria: INstruir para la vida digNa] | Piñas D.R.; Terbullino G.F.M.; Meza J.H.M. | 2025 | 10.5281/zenodo.14261905 |
Physico-chemical characteristics of flours obtained from raw, roasted and autoclaved Cucurbita, Passiflora and Annona seeds | Artica Mallqui L.; Baquerizo Canchumanya M.; Rosales Papa H.; Rodríguez G.; Aguirre E.; Hidalgo A. | 2024 | 10.1111/ijfs.16959 |
Campylobacter spp. in chicken meat from traditional markets in Peru and its impact measured through a quantitative microbiological risk assessment | Gonzales B.L.; Ho-Palma A.C.; Andrade D.A.; Antay C.; Valdivia-Carrera C.A.; Crotta M.; Limon G.; Gonzalez A.; Guitian J.; Gonzales-Gustavson E. | 2025 | 10.1016/j.foodres.2024.115424 |
Effects of Different Seasons on Milk Quality: A Study on Two Cattle Breeds in Rainy and Drought Contexts | Estremadoyro L.J.G.; Salome P.H.; Carhuas J.N.; Guzman S.O.; Tacza A.A.; Guillen M.A.F.; Garcia-Olarte E. | 2024 | 10.54203/scil.2024.wvj26 |
Scopus Scientific Production 2019–2023 in Non-Institutionalized Peruvian Universities with Organizing Commission; [Análisis de la Producción científica Scopus 2019–2023 en Universidades Peruanas no Institucionalizadas en Comisiones Organizadora] | Rojas-Yauri G.; Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; Lagos-Quispe T. | 2024 | 10.5209/RGID.96142 |
Digital talent and job satisfaction in the administrative staff of a public university with WarpPLS 8.0 | Inga-Avila M.; Churampi-Cangalaya R.L.; Ulloa Ninahuaman J.; Mendoza Caballero E.; Soto Cardenas F.O.; Visurraga Camargo L.A.; Salas Matos T.J. | 2025 | 10.5267/j.dsl.2024.10.003 |
Evaluation of the challenges and opportunities of Artificial Intelligence applied in current Latin American Education with the help of Neutrosophic SWOT and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps | Flores Ledesma K.N.; Cánez Palomino R.W.; Vilcapoma Pérez C.R.; Gutiérrez P.B.-R.; Vallina-Hernández A.M.; Nieto-Rivas E.A.; Neri Ayala A.C.; Guanilo Gómez S.L. | 2024 | 10.5281/zenodo.12752950 |
Advances in wastewater remediation using functionalized metallic and semiconductor nanomaterials: A systematic review | Carbajal-Morán H.; Marquez-Camarena J.F.; Galván-Maldonado C.A.; Zárate-Quiñones R.H. | 2025 | 10.12912/27197050/197170 |
Physicochemical and functional properties of microcapsules of papaya seed extract (Carica papaya L.) obtained by spray drying | Hinostroza-Quiñonez G.; Alcántara-Mucha L.; Espinoza-Silva C.; Quispe-Solano M.; Saavedra-Mallma N. | 2024 | 10.1016/j.nfs.2024.100164 |
Determination of the reliability of the automated system for organoleptic water quality | Carbajal-Morán H.; Galván-Maldonado C.A.; Zárate-Quiñones R.H.; Osorio-Berrocal E.; Cortez-Galindo H.; Márquez-Camarena J.F. | 2024 | 10.12912/27197050/189574 |
Rumen kinetics of nutrient degradability of forage barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) with different levels of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) residues supplementation | Diego E.A.; Rodrigo H.J.; Manuel C.V.; Paul M.M.; Luis C.P.J.; Alfonso C.F.; Carhuas J.N. | 2024 | 10.12982/VIS.2024.072 |
Salmonella in Chicken and Pork Meat as a Likely Major Contributor to Foodborne Illness in Peru | Ho-Palma A.C.; Gonzales-Gustavson E.; Quispe E.; Crotta M.; Nunney E.; Limon G.; Andrade-Mogrovejo D.; Pastor J.; Yabar E.; Solis J.; Ordoñez L.; Gonzalez A.; Guitian J. | 2024 | 10.4269/ajtmh.23-0575 |
Solid-state fermentation of green waste for the production of biostimulants to enhance lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivation under water stress: Closing the organic waste cycle | Solano Porras R.C.; Ghoreishi G.; Sánchez A.; Barrena R.; Font X.; Ballardo C.; Artola A. | 2025 | 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.143919 |
Design of a Business Sustainability Measurement Method for Based on NeutroAlgebras Generated by the Combining Function in Prospector and Neutrosophic 2-tuple Linguistic Models | Moscoso-Paucarchuco K.M.; Beraún-Espíritu M.M.; Quispe-Quezada U.R.; Alvarez-Bernuy S.M.; Solano M.A.Q.; Julca-Marcelo E.H.; Ramirez-Salas W.; Gamarra-Moreno A. | 2024 | 10.54216/IJNS.240426 |
Using UAV Images and Phenotypic Traits to Predict Potato Morphology and Yield in Peru | Ccopi D.; Ortega K.; Castañeda I.; Rios C.; Enriquez L.; Patricio S.; Ore Z.; Casanova D.; Agurto A.; Zuñiga N.; Urquizo J. | 2024 | 10.3390/agriculture14111876 |
Evaluation of a microbial enzyme complex on the rate of aerobic biodepuration of domestic wastewater | Lozano Povis A.A.; Sanabria Pérez E.A.; Ortega Quispe K. | 2024 | 10.22104/aet.2024.6469.1770 |
Systems applied to Job crafting and subjective wellbeing in employees of savings and credit banks in a Peruvian department; [Sistemas aplicados al Job crafting y bienestar subjetivo en colaboradores de cajas de ahorro y crédito de un departamento de Perú] | Paredes-Pérez M.A.J.; Palomino-Crispín A.E.; Ramírez-Arellano M.A.; Alania-Contreras R.D.; Ortega-Révolo D.I.D. | 2024 | |
Estimation of height and aerial biomass in Eucalyptus globulus plantations using UAV-LiDAR | Pinedo L.E.; Ortega Quispe K.; Ccopi Trucios D.; Urquizo Barrera J.; Rios Chavarría C.; Pizarro Carcausto S.; Matos Calderon D.; Patricio Rosales S.; Rodríguez Cerrón M.; Ore Aquino Z.; Paz Monge M.; Castañeda Tinco I. | 2025 | 10.1016/j.tfp.2024.100763 |
Seedling Production of Retrophyllum rospigliosii in Nurseries and Potential Reforestation Areas Using Modeling Techniques | Camarena-Yupanqui R.C.; Orellana-Mendoza E.; Bernaola-Paucar R.M.; Ames-Martínez F.N.; Loardo-Tovar H.; Quispe-Melgar H.R. | 2024 | 10.3390/f15122179 |
Lead, Cadmium, and Arsenic in Raw Milk Produced in the Vicinity of a Mini Mineral Concentrator in the Central Andes and Health Risk | Chirinos-Peinado D.; Castro-Bedriñana J.; Ríos-Ríos E.; Castro-Chirinos G.; Quispe-Poma Y. | 2024 | 10.1007/s12011-023-03838-2 |
Impact of climate change on future discharges from a high Andean basin in Peru to 2100; [Impacto del cambio climático en las descargas futuras de una cuenca altoandina de Perú al 2100] | del Aguila S.; Espinoza-Montes F. | 2024 | 10.24850/j-tyca-15-01-03 |
CYTOTOXICITY OF SAPONIN NANOPARTICLES FROM QUINOA (CHENOPODIUM QUINOA WILLD.) IN THE MC-F7 CELL LINE | Silva C.E.; De la Cruz J.; Mamani W.; Ramos O.F.; Zacarias E.R.; Quiñonez G.H. | 2024 | 10.17306/J.AFS.001236 |
Surface Urban Heat Islands in Belo Horizonte, Manaus, Salvador Bahia Using Remote Sensing and the Weather Research and Forecasting Modeling | Suazo J.A.; Aylas G.R.; Rojas J.L.F.; Vasquez R.A.; Lavado-Meza C.; De la Cruz-Cerrón L.; Suazo N.A.; Karam H.A.; Moreira D.M. | 2024 | 10.12911/22998993/188081 |
A Spatio-Temporal Behavior of PM2.5 and PM10 on Changes of Their Concentration Levels in the Metropolitan Area of Lima | Campos Díaz A.H.; Muñoz Vilela A.J.; Alvarez-Tolentino D.; De La Cruz A.H.; Payano I.U.; Caysahuana A.C.; Alfaro J.M.; Unchupaico Fermin J. | 2024 | 10.18280/ijsdp.191036 |
The school as a space for linguistic cultural reproduction: A case study on the wankas of southern Quechua at the EI Guillermo Viladegut of the San Sebastián de Curasco Peasant Community; [La escuela como espacio de reproducción cultural-lingüística: estudio de caso sobre las wankas del quechua sureño en la IE Guillermo Viladegut de la Comunidad Campesina San Sebastián de Curasco] | Chahuayo Sucñer V.M.; Barbaran Ludeña W.; Burga Muñoz W. | 2024 | 10.21142/DES-1601-2024-0003 |
Peripartum Ketone and its Relationship with Milk Quality in Dairy Cattle | Villar F.A.; Sánchez N.M.; Estremadoyro L.G.; Huamán R.D.; de la Cruz C.A.; Payano I.U.; Mauricio-Ramos Y.; Ninahuanca J. | 2024 | 10.54203/scil.2024.wvj58 |
Data quality processing for photovoltaic system measurements | Galarza J.; Condezo D.; Saenz B. | 2024 | 10.11591/ijece.v14i1.pp12-21 |
The impact of digital skills on teaching performance in higher education: A meta-analysis | Churampi-Cangalaya R.L.; Inga-ávila M.F.; Coz K.R.L.; Churampi-Cangalaya J.J.; Huamán-Pérez F.; Caballero E.M.; Quispe M.A. | 2024 | 10.5267/j.ijdns.2024.6.013 |
Evolving attitudes toward online education in Peruvian university students: A quantitative approach | Alania-Contreras R.D.; Ruiz-Aquino M.; Alvarez-Risco A.; Condori-Apaza M.; Chanca-Flores A.; Fabián-Arias E.; Rafaele-de-la-Cruz M.; Del-Aguila-Arcentales S.; Davies N.M.; Ortiz de Agui M.L.; Yáñez J.A. | 2024 | 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e30566 |
Evaluation of the Economic Viability of Circular Models in Agriculture Based on Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps | Moscoso-Paucarchuco K.M.; Beraún-Espíritu M.M.; Quispe-Quezada U.R.; Alvarez-Bernuy S.M.; Solano M.A.Q.; Julca-Marcelo E.H.; Gamarra-Moreno A.; Ramirez-Salas W. | 2024 | 10.54216/IJNS.240425 |
Counting sheep: human experience vs. Yolo algorithm with drone to determine population | Ninahuanca Carhuas J.; Cerna L.A.; Unchupaico Payano I.; Garcia-Olarte E.; Mauricio-Ramos Y.; Quispe Euglogio C.; Hadi Mohamed M.M. | 2025 | 10.12982/VIS.2025.032 |
Prevalence of sarcocystosis in alpaca (Vicugna pacos) carcasses commercialized in the Junín region, Peru; [Prevalencia de sarcocystosis en carcasas de alpacas (Vicugna pacos) comercializados en la región Junín, Perú] | Carhuas J.N.; Villar F.A.; Mauricio-Ramos Y.; Gomez E.A.; Payano I.U. | 2024 | 10.30972/vet.3527870 |
Pinus radiata forest residue: A bio-adsorbent of choice for Cr (VI) removal from aqueous solution | Bonilla Mancilla H.D.; Pino Moreyra J.D.; Bullon Rosas J.J.; Bernal Marcelo A.R.; Tovar C.T.; Jindal M.K.; Kumar D.; Sillanpää M.; Ghernaout D. | 2025 | 10.1016/j.enmm.2025.101042 |
Factors associated with the consumption of medicinal plants for the prevention of COVID-19 in peruvian population: a cross-sectional study; [Factores asociados con el consumo de plantas medicinales para la prevención de COVID-19 en población peruana: un estudio transversal] | Ccami-Bernal F.; Rojas-Miliano C.; Soriano-Moreno D.R.; Fernández-Guzmán D.; Quispe-Vicuña C.; Hernández-Bustamante E.A.; Zamora-Huaringa E.G.; Nieto-Gutiérrez W. | 2024 | 10.17843/rpmesp.2024.411.13265 |
Yellow chili bell pepper (Capsicum baccatum) on productive and pigment parameters in broiler chickens in the Peruvian highlands | Mendoza Alvarez M.; Ninahuanca Carhuas J.; Aquino Tacza A. | 2025 | 10.12982/VIS.2025.042 |
Study of the Effectiveness of the Removal of Heavy Metals from the Irrigation Canal with Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Using Neu-trosophic Statistics | Núñez J.C.O.; Camayo-Lapa B.F.; Ingaruca-álvarez E.F.; Huamán Alva-Rado E.A.; Mancilla H.D.B.; Orellana J.C.Á.; Ledesma K.N.F. | 2025 | 10.54216/IJNS.250120 |
Digestibility and estimation of digestible energy of palm kernel (Elaeis guineensis) cake in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) | Vela-Román L.; Césare-Coral M.; Norabuena-Meza E.; Valderrama Rojas M.T.; Paitan-Anticona E.; Airahuacho-Bautista F.; Sotelo-Méndez A. | 2024 | |
Water Storage–Discharge Relationship with Water Quality Parameters of Carhuacocha and Vichecocha Lagoons in the Peruvian Puna Highlands | Pizarro S.; Custodio M.; Solórzano-Acosta R.; Contreras D.; Verástegui-Martínez P. | 2024 | 10.3390/w16172505 |
The Nutritional Value of Biowaste Bovine Slaughterhouse Meals for Monogastric Species Feeding: The Guinea Pig as an Animal Model | Chirinos-Peinado D.; Castro-Bedriñana J.; Álvaro-Ordoñez P.; Quispe-Ramos R.; García-Olarte E.; Ríos-Ríos E. | 2024 | 10.3390/ani14071129 |
Evaluation of the physicochemical, bioactive, and sensory properties of yogurt fortified with microencapsulated iron | Nole-Jaramillo J.M.; Muñoz-More H.D.; Ruiz-Flores L.A.; Gutiérrez-Valverde K.S.; Nolazco-Cama D.M.; Espinoza-Silva C.R.; Espinoza-Espinoza L.A. | 2024 | 10.1016/j.afres.2024.100525 |
A new species of Polylepis (Rosaceae) from Santuario Nacional Pampa Hermosa, Peru | Quispe-Melgar H.R.; Llacua-Tineo Y.S.; Arias N.E.U.; Kessler M. | 2024 | 10.11646/phytotaxa.653.2.5 |
Peasant communities in Peru: Organization, conflicts and collective action, Junín, 1959-2017; [Las comunidades campesinas en el Perú: organización, conflictos y acción colectiva, Junín, 1959-2017] | Aquino T.G.L. | 2024 | 10.21142/DES-1602-2024-0025 |
Production performance of rejected newborn lambs fed with different concentrations of whey in Perú; [Desempenho de produção de cordeiros recém-nascidos rejeitados alimentados com diferentes concentrações de soro de leite no Peru] | Carhuas J.N.; Capcha K.B.; Garcia-Olarte E.; Eulogio C.Q. | 2024 | 10.5965/223811712322024231 |
Where Are We with Respect to Research in Support of Sustainable Development Goal 13? Bibliometric Analysis | Fernandez-Zarate F.; Pérez-Delgado L.; Coronel-Bustamante D.; Huanca-Silva L.; Taboada-Mitma V.H.; Quispe-Carhuapoma M.; Oliva-Alvarez Y.; Huaccha-Castillo A.E.; Seminario-Cunya A.; Quiñones-Huatangari L.; Ocaña-Zuñiga C.L.; Morales-Rojas E.; Vaca-Marquina S.; Miguel-Miguel H.; Cruz-Luis J. | 2024 | 10.18280/ijsdp.191216 |
Design and Implementation of a Heterogeneous Magnetic Quaternary Composite for Efficient Arsenic(V) Removal in Polluted Water | Canchanya-Huaman Y.; Mayta-Armas A.F.; Checca-Huaman N.-R.; Bendezú-Roca Y.; Ramos-Guivar J.A. | 2024 | 10.1021/acs.cgd.4c00586 |
Bioactive compounds and in vitro antibacterial activity of Clinopodium bolivianum (Benth) Kuntze; [Compuestos bioactivos y actividad antibacteriana in vitro de Clinopodium bolivianum (Benth) Kuntze] | Reyes V.J.; Mallma F.M.; Atapoma M.; Hospino L.; Yabar E. | 2025 | 10.37360/blacpma. |
Cybersecurity in higher education: a bibliometric review; [Ciberseguridad en educación superior: una revisión bibliométrica] | Orosco-Fabian J.R. | 2024 | 10.19083/ridu.2024.1933 |
Assessing the Health Risk and Trophic Transfer of Lead and Cadmium in Dairy Farming Systems in the Mantaro Catchment, Central Andes of Peru | Chirinos-Peinado D.; Castro-Bedriñana J.; Barnes E.P.G.; Ríos-Ríos E.; García-Olarte E.; Castro-Chirinos G. | 2024 | 10.3390/toxics12050308 |
Productive and physico-chemical performance at two seasons of the year in trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) | Garcia-Olarte E.; Carhuas J.N.; Palomino I.H.; Carhuamaca W.R.; Rojas J.L.S. | 2024 | 10.12982/VIS.2024.037 |
Severe achondroplasia with developmental delay and acanthosis nigricans (SADDAN); [Acondroplasia severa con retraso del desarrollo y acantosis nigricans (SADDAN)] | Ledesma-Porras Y.; Torres-Salinas C.; Montero-Girón A.; Bustinza-Camarena V.; Riveros-Feril Y.; Córdova-Paucarchuco D. | 2024 | 10.15381/anales.v85i1.26805 |
Effects of Two Types of Estrogen on the Follicular Wave for in Vivo Oocyte Collection in Brown Swiss Cows | Payano I.U.; Eulogio C.Q.; Gómez E.A.; Carhuas J.N.; Villar F.A.; Fermín J.U.; Sánchez N.M. | 2024 | 10.54203/scil.2024.wvj43 |
Resilience, sleep quality and sleepiness in Peruvian medical students: a multicenter study | Zila-Velasque J.P.; Grados-Espinoza P.; Chuquineyra B.S.-C.; Diaz-Vargas M.; Sierra Calderón G.S.; Choquegonza S.; Temoche-Rivas M.S.; Siguas Peixoto K.; Valladares-Garrido M.J.; Failoc-Rojas V.E. | 2024 | 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1284716 |
Short-run and long-run effects of copper price on Junín’s economic growth | Aliaga-Miranda A.; Flores-Vilcapoma L.R.; Meneses J.R.; Retamozo R.J.B.; Palomino H.A.M. | 2024 | 10.5267/j.dsl.2024.6.003 |
Mechanisms of communication-control (social cybernetics) based on information technologies and local development | Inga-Avila M.; Churampi-Cangalaya R.L.; Ulloa-Ninahuamán J.; Inga-Avila J.L.; Camargo L.A.V.; Caballero E.M.; Coz K.R.L. | 2024 | 10.5267/j.ijdns.2024.6.004 |
Efficacy of SNAP DUO ST Plus and HPLC in the detection of antibiotic residues in raw milk from the Mantaro Valley, Peru; [Eficacia de SNAP DUO ST Plus y HPLC en la detección de residuos de antibióticos en leche cruda del Valle del Mantaro, Perú] | Villar F.A.; Estremadoyro L.G.; Payano I.U.; Sanchez N.M.; Laurente K.A.; Maurico-Ramos Y.; Carhuas J.N. | 2025 | 10.30972/vet.3617987 |
Oral supplementation of a probiotic compound to improve production efficiency of meat guinea pigs; [Suplementación oral de un compuesto probiótico en la mejora de la eficiencia productiva de Cuyes parrilleros] | Meza–Rojas E.; Astuhuamán–Pardavé L.; Cisneros–Gutiérrez F.; García–Olarte E.; Mendoza–Ordoñez G.; Rodríguez–Vargas A. | 2025 | 10.52973/rcfcv-e35564 |
Comparative evaluation of an artisanal feed supplement and four commercial feeds on the productive efficiency of growing guinea pigs; [Evaluación comparativa de un suplemento alimenticio artesanal y cuatro balanceados comerciales sobre la eficiencia productiva de cuyes parrilleros] | Meza-Rojas E.; Rodríguez-Vargas A.; Hermitaño-Osorio F.; Aquino-Tacza A.; Garcia-Olarte E. | 2024 | 10.15381/rivep.v35i4.28780 |
Evaluating the performance of Polylepis incana seeds: reassessing their potential for restoration and conservation of high Andean forests | Quispe-Melgar H.R.; Huayta-Hinojosa L.D.; Llacua-Tineo Y.S.; Ames-Martínez F.N.; Lagones Poma K.L.; Ticse-Otarola G.; Tomazello-Filho M.; Renison D. | 2025 | 10.1111/rec.14276 |
Socioeconomic and Environmental Impact of the Implementation of Renewable Energy: An Analysis from the Neutrosophic PEST-SWOT | Beraún-Espíritu M.M.; Moscoso-Paucarchuco K.M.; Quispe-Quezada L.P.; Alvarez-Bernuy S.M.; Quispe Solano M.A.; Julca-Marcelo E.H.; Ramirez-Salas W.; Gamarra-Moreno A. | 2025 | 10.54216/IJNS.250118 |
Analysis of the Effectiveness of the OSHA Food Standard in the United States Tortilla Industry | Espinoza Calderón G.A.; Bustamante Cárdenas G.O. | 2024 | 10.3303/CET24111021 |
Value chain: management model for initial teacher training; [Cadena de valor: modelo de gestión para la formación inicial del profesorado] | López C.F.; Huamán L.A. | 2024 | 10.4067/S0718-50062024000200047 |
Use of the Organic Fraction of Urban Solid Waste to Recover Degraded Areas in Chilca, Peru | La-Cruz-flores H.V.; Zárate-Quiñones R.H.; Carbajal-Morán H.; Osorio-Berrocal E.; Mazzarino M.J. | 2025 | 10.15244/pjoes/186245 |
Feasibility analysis of the application of restricted buckling braces as a response control system | Orellana A.; Orellana E.; Flores V.A.A. | 2024 | 10.21533/pen.v12i2.4000.g1368 |
First large-scale study reveals important losses of managed honey bee and stingless bee colonies in Latin America | Requier F.; Leyton M.S.; Morales C.L.; Garibaldi L.A.; Giacobino A.; Porrini M.P.; Rosso-Londoño J.M.; Velarde R.A.; Aignasse A.; Aldea-Sánchez P.; Allasino M.L.; Arredondo D.; Audisio C.; Cagnolo N.B.; Basualdo M.; Branchiccela B.; Calderón R.A.; Castelli L.; Castilhos D.; Escareño F.C.; Correa-Benítez A.; da Silva F.O.; Garnica D.S.; de Groot G.; Delgado-Cañedo A.; Fernández-Marín H.; Freitas B.M.; Galindo-Cardona A.; Garcia N.; Garrido P.M.; Giray T.; Gonçalves L.S.; Landi L.; Malusá Gonçalves D.; Martinez S.I.; Moja P.J.; Molineri A.; Müller P.F.; Nogueira E.; Pacini A.; Palacio M.A.; Parra G.N.; Parra-H A.; Peres Gramacho K.; Castro E.P.; Pires C.S.S.; Reynaldi F.J.; Luis A.R.; Rossini C.; Sánchez Armijos M.; Santos E.; Scannapieco A.; Spina Y.M.; Tapia González J.M.; Vargas Fernández A.M.; Viana B.F.; Vieli L.; Yadró García C.A.; Antúnez K. | 2024 | 10.1038/s41598-024-59513-6 |
Efficiency of a Compound Parabolic Collector for Domestic Hot Water Production using the F - Chart Method | Quispe K.O.; Vila O.H.; Trucios D.C.; Povis A.L.; Pinedo L.E.; Torres B.C. | 2024 | 10.25103/jestr.173.17 |
Technostress in Basic Education Teachers in the Central Region of Peru; [Tecnoestresse em professores do ensino básico na região central do Peru]; [Tecnoestrés en profesores de Educación Básica de la región central del Perú] | Orosco-Fabian J.R.; Pomasunco-Huaytalla R.; Gómez-Galindo W.; Torres-Cortez E.E. | 2025 | 10.17227/rce.num94-18243 |
Low seed viability and germination in Polylepis flavipila hinder forest restoration: The role of seed mass and maternal effects | Huayta-Hinojosa L.D.; Quispe-Melgar H.R.; Poma K.L.L.; Llacua-Tineo Y.S.; Ames-Martínez F.N.; Renison D. | 2025 | 10.1016/j.tfp.2024.100746 |
Labor informality and wage gap between formal and informal workers in the Central Zone of Peru; [Informalidad laboral y brecha salarial entre trabajadores formales e informales en la Zona Central del Perú] | Yupanqui M.A.A.; Pari G.C.; Ticse J.C.P. | 2024 | Ver Artículo |
Effect of fertilization on the accumulation and health risk for heavy metals in native Andean potatoes in the highlands of Perú | Orellana-Mendoza E.; Camel V.; Yallico L.; Quispe-Coquil V.; Cosme R. | 2024 | 10.1016/j.toxrep.2024.05.006 |
Knowledge and preventive measures of acute respiratory infections in fathers and mothers of the mountains of Peru, 2022; [Conocimiento y medidas preventivas de infecciones respiratorias agudas en padres y madres de la sierra del Perú, 2022] | Acosta Román M.; Soriano Camargo M.M.; León Montoya G.B.; Torpoco Román E.L. | 2024 | 10.1016/j.aprim.2024.103044 |
Effects of Hygiene on Milk Quality and Milking Practices of Small Andean Herds during the Rainy Season | Facundo G.B.A.; Maquen J.A.R.; Calderón N.U.; Espinoza-Montes F. | 2024 | 10.54203/scil.2024.wvj62 |
Design and Performance Analysis of an Inclined Glazing Photovoltaic-Trombe Wall System with Automated Fan Control | Inga A.J.V.; Dueñas V.P.; Arias J.Y.A.; Añazco R.M.V.; Parian B.S.C.; Gamarra R.H.R. | 2025 | 10.13189/cea.2025.130209 |
Most recent and emerging technologies for enhancing the nutritional characteristics of food, challenges and future directions: A Review | Areche F.O.; Dominguez J.A.J.; Yapias R.J.M.; Vilca O.M.L.; Flores-Miranda C.; Otivo J.M.M.; Calderon G.R.L.; Mendoza P.C.; Mendoza T.O.B.; Barrios I.C.C.; Lizarme R.H.M.; Pardavé L.A.A. | 2024 | 10.18006/2024.12(6).784.799 |
Occurrence of Helicobacter pylori in drinking water sources and antimicrobial resistance profile in the central region of Peru | Custodio M.; Montalvo-Otivo R.; Crispín-Ayala J.; Bendezu-Meza J.; Herrera-Quintana P.; De la Cruz H.; Huarcaya J. | 2025 | 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e41533 |
Lighting up mountain coexistence: Understanding the effects of environment and livestock on habitat use by Andean bear in a conflict zone in Peruvian Andes | Melo-Dias M.; Huatuco J.F.A.; Arizapana-Almonacid M.A.; Castañeda-Tinco M.I.; Chanamé F.; Passamani M. | 2024 | 10.1016/j.jnc.2024.126677 |
Evaluating the impact of an environmental awareness program on children in a Peruvian community, based on Compensatory Fuzzy Logic; [EVALUACIÓN DEL IMPACTO DE UN PROGRAMA DE CONCIENCIACIÓN AMBIENTAL EN NIÑOS DE UNA COMUNIDAD PERUANA, BASADO EN LÓGICA DIFUSA COMPENSATORIA] | Beraún-Espíritu M.M.; Nieto A.J.; Moscoso-Paucarchuco K.M.; Sandoval-Trigos J.C.; Gamarra-Moreno A.; Flores-Rivera A.R.; Ramirez-Salas W. | 2024 | |
Developing IoT Activities Using the Problem-Solving Method: Proposal for Novice Engineering Students | Paucar-Curasma R.; Tovar R.F.U.; Jiménez S.C.A.V.; Jara N.J.; Agama S.H.G.; Quijada-Villegas J.H. | 2024 | 10.18280/mmep.111126 |
Sustainable Management of Wastewater Sludge Through Composting with Effective Microorganisms: Enhancing the Growth of Tecoma stans | Ortega-Quispe K.; Ccopi-Trucios D.; Lozano-Povis A.; Llanos-Del-pino A.; Gabriel-Campos E.; Cordova-Buiza F. | 2024 | 10.56578/of100202 |
Temporal Trend of PM2.5 and the Associated Risk to Human Health in the Lima Metropolitan Area | Quispe J.P.; Diaz D.Z.; Alvarez-Tolentino D.; De La Cruz A.H.; Payano I.U.; Caysahuana A.C.; Rojas R.A.; Durand R.P. | 2024 | 10.18280/ijsdp.191228 |
Assessment of professional competencies of Peruvian physicians: A scoping review of published studies | Rojas-Miliano C.; Aperrigue-Lira S.; Barriga-Chambi F.; Huamani-Merma E.; Taype-Rondan A. | 2024 | 10.1371/journal.pone.0299465 |
Short stature associated with ocular refractive errors in schoolchildren in Muquiyauyo, Peru; [Talla baja asociado a errores de refracción ocular en escolares de Muquiyauyo, Perú] | Cristóbal Terreros G.; Huaman Guadalupe E.R.; Marmolejo Gutarra D.; Paitan Anticona E.; Yallico Madge L. | 2024 | 10.12873/442huaman |
Observational characterization and empirical modeling of global, direct and diffuse solar irradiances at the Peruvian central Andes | Fashé-Raymundo O.; Flores-Rojas J.L.; Estevan-Arredondo R.; Giráldez-Solano L.; Suárez-Salas L.; Sanabria-Pérez E.; Karam H.A.; Silva Y. | 2024 | 10.3389/feart.2024.1399971 |
Technology anxiety (technostress) and academic burnout from online classes in university students | Churampi-Cangalaya R.L.; Inga-ávila M.F.; Ulloa-Ninahuamán J.; Inga-ávila J.L.; Quispe M.A.; Inga-Aliaga M.Á.; Huamán-Pérez F.; Caballero E.M. | 2024 | 10.5267/j.ijdns.2023.9.005 |
Physical and sensory quality of coffee dried in three prototypes of greenhouse solar dryers; [Qualidade física e sensorial do café seco em três protótipos de secadores solares de estufa]; [Calidad física y sensorial del café secado en tres prototipos de secadores solares tipo invernadero] | de Jesús Huamán-Murillo M.; Garcia S.M.M.; Murillo-Baca S.M.; Ponce-Rosas F.C.; Fuentes-Meza M.J. | 2024 | 10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v41.n2.02 |
Meteorological Variables in the Spread of COVID-19 in a Commercial and Andean-Amazonian Region of Peru | Álvarez-Tolentino D.; Sanchez-Chumpitasi C.; Reategui-Inga M.; Payano I.G.U.; Gamarra-Gamarra D.; Coaguila-Rodriguez P.; Falcón-Paredes G.; Cisneros A.; Aguirre-Escalante C. | 2024 | 10.18280/ijei.070219 |
ACTIVE BREAKS: OPTIMIZATION OF TIME,SCHOOL GRADES AND TYPES; [DESCANSOS ACTIVOS: OPTIMIZACIÓN DE TIEMPO, GRADOS ESCOLARES Y TIPOS] | Javier Ninahuaman H.J.; Rojas Ginche, A.E.; Canchumanya Popi J.; Alderete Callupe L.; Arauzo Gallardo C.; Quispe Santivañez G. | 2024 | 10.25112/RPR.V1.3504 |
Comparison of parameters of Bos taurus × Bos indicus cows under semi–confined and extensive systems in the tropic of Oxapampa, Peru; [Comparación de parámetros productivos de vacas Bos taurus × Bos indicus en sistemas semi estabulados y extensivos en el trópico de Oxapampa, Perú] | Rodríguez–Vargas A.; Barrón–López J.; Meza–Rojas E.; Mendoza–Ordoñez G.; Tantahuillca–Landeo F.; Vargas–Gonzales F. | 2025 | 10.52973/rcfcv-e35542 |
Smart sensors/actuators based in amorphous nanostructures, according to enhance robotic arms energy transmission; [Sensores/actuadores inteligentes basados en nanoestructuras amorfas, para mejorar la transferencia de energía en brazos robóticos] | Calderón-Ch J.A.; Benjamín B.-G.; Tafur J.C.; Jiménez F.; Lozano J.; Lozano H.; Risco R.; Gallo-T. D.J. | 2024 | 10.15446/dyna.v91n231.110995 |
Chemical composition and trajectories of atmospheric particles at the Machu Picchu Peruvian Antarctic scientific station (62.09ºS, 58.47ºW) | Álvarez-Tolentino D.; Suárez-Salas L.; Pomalaya-Valdez J.; Barja B. | 2024 | 10.20937/ATM.53291 |
Optimization of a mixture using coffee parchment, Jamaica flower and Stevia for functional infusions - hypoglycemic and antioxidant | Silva C.E.; Carhuancho N.; Zacarias E.R.; Quiñonez G.H.; Ramos O.F.; Mallma N.S. | 2024 | 10.1016/j.afres.2024.100548 |
Decolourization of Synthetic Wastewater Related to the Textile Industry Using Photo-Fenton | Huaman K.; Lozano A.; Navarro N.; Ortega K. | 2024 | 10.31881/TLR.2024.010 |
Agricultural eco-efficiency and water footprint-A case study of fifteen crops in the Chupaca province of Peru | Quispe-Quezada U.R.; Quispe-Quezada L.P.; Révolo-Acevedo R.H.; Solano-Velarde Z.; Álvarez-Orellana J.; Jauregui-Ofracio J.; Quispe-Reymundo B.J. | 2023 | 10.31018/jans.v15i4.4410 |
Possible effects of different types of agricultural wastes on food security and mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) production; [Possíveis efeitos de diferentes tipos de resíduos agrícolas na segurança alimentar e na produção de cogumelos (Pleurotus ostreatus)] | De La Cruz-Marcos R.N.; Areche F.O.; Segura S.O.P.; López J.M.M.; De La Cruz-Calderón G.; Solano M.A.Q.; Onofre A.S.; Camayo-Lapa B.F.; Otivo J.M.M.; Flores D.D.C.; Pairazaman M.E.E.; Domínguez J.A.J.; Aguilar S.V.; Aguirre L.Á.F.; Paricanaza-Ticona D.C. | 2023 | 10.1590/1519-6984.273829 |
EFFECTS OF FAT SOURCES ON LIVER CHARACTERISTICS AND INTESTINAL MORPHOMETRY IN AN EARLY-LIFE ANIMAL MODEL; [Efectos de fuentes de grasa sobre características del hígado y la morfometría intestinal en un modelo animal a temprana edad] | Gutiérrez Zorrilla I.M.; Bernuy-Osorio N.D.; Zea Mendoza O.; Yabar Villanueva E.F.; Vílchez-Perales C. | 2023 | 10.17843/rpmesp.2023.404.12804 |
Chemical Characterization, Antioxidant Capacity and Anti-Oxidative Stress Potential of South American Fabaceae Desmodium tortuosum | Rodríguez J.-L.; Berrios P.; Clavo Z.-M.; Marin-Bravo M.; Inostroza-Ruiz L.; Ramos-Gonzalez M.; Quispe-Solano M.; Fernández-Alfonso M.S.; Palomino O.; Goya L. | 2023 | 10.3390/nu15030746 |
Analyzing solid waste landfills using satellite imagery and designing new landfill reception areas | Révolo-Acevedo R.H.; Quispe-Reymundo B.J.; Rodríguez-Cerrón M.; Quispe-Quezada U.R.; Quispe-Quezada L.P.; Solano-Velarde Z.; Paredes-Atoche V. | 2023 | 10.31018/jans.v15i2.4456 |
Attitude towards indebtedness and compulsive buying behavior of residents in Peru; [Actitud hacia el endeudamiento y comportamiento compulsivo de compra, de pobladores en Perú] | Paredes-Pérez M.A.J.; Arellano M.Á.R.; Tapia V.R.C.; Contreras R.D.A. | 2023 | 10.31876/rcs.v29i.40456 |
Bases for a Regional Trade Union Sociology: The Trade Union Movement in Junín, Peru (1960-2017); [Bases para una sociología sindical regional: El movimiento sindical en Junín, Perú (1960-2017)] | Lázaro Aquino T.G. | 2023 | |
Study of Ecosystem Degradation Dynamics in the Peruvian Highlands: Landsat Time-Series Trend Analysis (1985–2022) with ARVI for Different Vegetation Cover Types | Cano D.; Pizarro S.; Cacciuttolo C.; Peñaloza R.; Yaranga R.; Gandini M.L. | 2023 | 10.3390/su152115472 |
Photosynthetic modification of plants through recent technologies: a valuable way to ensure crop fortification; [Modificação fotossintética de plantas por meio de tecnologias recentes: uma forma valiosa de garantir a fortificação das culturas] | Areche F.O.; López J.M.M.; Mamani C.M.C.; Alberto M.N.M.; Araujo V.G.S.; Pastrana P.A.P.; Camayo-Lapa B.F.; Quispe-Solano M.A.; Saldarriaga J.Y.; Ayre C.P.E.; Carrasco S.M.; Roman A.V.; Flores D.D.C.; Cruz Nieto D.D. | 2023 | 10.1590/1519-6984.271809 |
Fragile Effects of Mobile Phone Emitted Radiations on Agricultural Growth and Ecological Systems | Gondal A.H.; Areche F.O.; Porras-Roque M.S.; Muñiz Paucarmayta A.A.; Muñiz Paucarmayta M.H.; Cotrina Cabello G.G.; Rodriguez-Deza J.W. | 2023 | 10.7831/ras.11.0_137 |
Study of the relationship among economic variables in cattle production in a region of Peru, based on Plithogenic Statistics | Moscoso-Paucarchuco K.M.; Vásquez-Ramírez M.R.; Yupanqui-Villanueva H.R.; Yupanqui-Villanueva W.F.; Vivanco-Nuñez O.A.; Beraún-Espíritu M.M.; Fernández-Jaime R.J.; Gutiérrez-Gómez E. | 2024 | 10.5281/zenodo.10729952 |
Drought increase since the mid-20th century in the northern South American Altiplano revealed by a 389-year precipitation record | Morales M.S.; Crispín-Delacruz D.B.; Álvarez C.; Christie D.A.; Eugenia Ferrero M.; Andreu-Hayles L.; Villalba R.; Guerra A.; Ticse-Otarola G.; Rodríguez-Ramírez E.C.; Llocclla-Martínez R.; Sanchez-Ferrer J.; Requena-Rojas E.J. | 2023 | 10.5194/cp-19-457-2023 |
Design of a solar and gas dryer to use coffee pulp in food processes in Peru | Frauberth C.-L.B.; Ángel Q.-S.M.; Amelia C.-P.E.; Cesar A.-H.R. | 2023 | 10.22124/cjes.2023.6926 |
Atmospheric Aerosols and Air Quality in the 2022 Dry Season in Huancayo-Perú; [Aerossóis Atmosféricos e Qualidade do Ar na Estação Seca de 2022 em Huancayo-Perú] | Angeles Vasquez R.; Suazo J.M.A.; Karam H.A.; Flores Rojas J.L.; Suarez Salas L.; Lavado-Meza C.; Angeles Suazo N.; Boza Ccora F.; De la Cruz-Cerron L.; Zarate Quiñones R. | 2023 | 10.11137/1982-3908_2024_47_56253 |
Synopsis of the Peruvian species of Epidendrum (Orchidaceae: Laeliinae) belonging to the Scabrum group, subgroup Soratae: diversity and description of a new species | Quispe-Melgar H.R.; Ayala E.S.; Llacua-Tineo Y.S.; Hágsater E. | 2023 | 10.11646/phytotaxa.603.1.1 |
Diurnal behavior of bulls grazing on Setaria sphacelata meadows in the high tropics of Oxapampa, Peru; [Comportamiento diurno de toretes en pastoreo sobre praderas de Setaria sphacelata en trópico alto de Oxapampa, Perú] | Aníbal Rodríguez V.; Elmer Meza R.; Fritz Trillo Z.; Jimny Núñez D.; Rolando Azania F. | 2023 | 10.15381/RIVEP.V34I1.24593 |
Detection and Isolation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Beef from Food Markets and Fecal Samples of Dairy Calves in the Peruvian Central Highlands | Gonzales B.L.; Andrade D.A.; Valdivia C.A.; Ho-Palma A.C.; Munguia A.; Yucra D.; Escobedo M.; Crotta M.; Limon G.; Gonzalez A.; Guitian J.; Gonzales-Gustavson E. | 2023 | 10.4269/ajtmh.23-0181 |
Evaluation of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index by Remote Sensing with Landsat Satellites in the Tayacaja Valley in the Central Andes of Peru | Carbajal-Morán H.; Márquez-Camarena J.F.; Galván-Maldonado C.A.; Zárate-Quiñones R.H.; Galván-Maldonado A.C.; Muñoz-De la Torre R.J. | 2023 | 10.12912/27197050/169530 |
Low Energy Trap with Light Emitting Diode for Increased Attraction of Phthorimaea operculella Zeller | Carbajal-Morán H.; Márquez-Camarena J.F.; Galván-Maldonado C.A.; Zárate-Quiñones R.H.; Galván-Maldonado A.C. | 2023 | 10.12912/27197050/169187 |
Determination of the degree of relationship between Activity Cost and Financial Management in beef cattle production in a region of Peru, based on Indeterminate Likert Scale and Neutrosophic Similarity | Vásquez-Ramírez M.R.; Moscoso-Paucarchuco K.M.; Beraún-Espíritu M.M.; Yupanqui-Villanueva H.R.; Vivanco-Nuñez O.A.; Yupanqui-Villanueva W.F.; Fernández-Jaime R.J.; Gutiérrez-Gómez E. | 2024 | 10.5281/zenodo.10700818 |
Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Dietary Fiber from Yellow Dragon Fruit Peels and Its Application in Low-Fat Alpaca-Based Sausages | Vilcapoma W.; de Bruijn J.; Elías-Peñafiel C.; Espinoza C.; Farfán-Rodríguez L.; López J.; Encina-Zelada C.R. | 2023 | 10.3390/foods12152945 |
A comprehensive review on monitoring and purification of water through tunable 2D nanomaterials; [Uma revisão abrangente sobre monitoramento e purificação de água através de nanomateriais 2D sintonizáveis] | Areche F.O.; Mamani C.M.C.; Cárdenas J.A.L.; Sumarriva-Bustinza L.A.; Pastrana P.A.P.; Porras-Roque M.S.; Huayapa M.A.C.; Zea C.Y.H.; Rios O.G.V.; Montes J.E.S.; Paitan-Anticona E.N.; Chávez-Sumarriva N.L.; Paucarmayta A.A.M.; Araujo V.G.S.; Paucarmayta M.H.M.; Carrasco S.M.; Yapias R.J.M.; Paricanaza-Ticona D.C. | 2023 | 10.1590/1519-6984.273843 |
Between party guerrilla and societal guerrilla. The Tupac Amaru Front of the Revolutionary Left Movement; [ENTRE GUERRILLA DE PARTIDO Y GUERRILLA SOCIETAL. EL FRENTE TÚPAC AMARU DEL MOVIMIENTO DE IZQUIERDA REVOLUCIONARIA] | Lázaro Aquino T.G. | 2023 | 10.18042/cepc/rep.199.06 |
Study of the Pampay Mass (burial of offering) at the summit of the Andean snow-capped mountain as an example of (t, i, f)-Neutrosophic social structure | Gutiérrez-Gómez E.; Moscoso-Paucarchuco K.M.; Beraún-Espíritu M.M.; Moreno-Menéndez F.M.; Fernández-Jaime R.J.; Paco-Huamani W.F.; Vásquez-Ramírez M.R.; Sandoval-Trigos J.C. | 2023 | 10.5281/zenodo.10224095 |
The slow violence of mining and environmental suffering in the Andean waterscapes | Heikkinen A.; Nygren A.; Custodio M. | 2023 | 10.1016/j.exis.2023.101254 |
Biocomponents and antioxidant capacity of native potatoes such as chuño and tunta under freezing temperature different conditions; [Biocomponentes y capacidad antioxidante de papas nativas como chuño y tunta bajo diferentes condiciones de temperatura de congelación] | Yábar-Villanueva E.; Huicho-Espinoza W.; Suazo-Peña A.; Rojas-Zacarías E.; Álvarez-Tolentino D. | 2023 | 10.21930/rcta.vol24_num1_art:2958 |
Effect of the modified snorkel mask as noninvasive ventilatory support in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure due to COVID-19 | Montalvo R.; Castro E.; Rojas J.; Camargo C.; Ninahuanca C. | 2023 | 10.29390/001c.83254 |
Value generation and knowledge management in Peruvian microenterprises | Inga-ávila M.F.; Churampi-Cangalaya R.L.; Inga-Aliaga M.A.; Vicente-Ramos W.; Rodríguez-Giráldez W. | 2023 | 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.1.006 |
Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in University Higher Education: A Systematic Review | Ocaña-Zúñiga C.L.; Tineo M.; Fernandez-Zarate F.H.; Quiñones-Huatangari L.; Huaccha-Castillo A.E.; Morales-Rojas E.; Miguel-Miguel H.W. | 2023 | 10.18280/ijsdp.180612 |
USE OF CYTOKININS AND COMPOSTING TO IMPROVE THE AGRONOMIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAITS OF CAIGUA (CYCLANTHERA PEDATA L.) | Nieto D.D.C.; Areche F.O.; Chirre E.T.C.; Menacho J.U.R.; Tantaleán H.E.C.; Bartolomé H.J.C.; Sumarriva-Bustinza L.A.; Zela-Payi N.O.; Angoma A.P.; Camposano-Cordova A.I.; Mallma N.E.S.; Solano M.A.Q.; Flores D.D.C.; Mamani R.A.A.; Cajavilca H.L.V. | 2023 | 10.54910/sabrao2023.55.5.17 |
PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES’ REPRESENTATION IN PERU IN THE NEWS OF JOURNALISTIC DIGITAL MEDIA IN THE CONTEXT OF COVID-19; [representación de las personas con discapacidad en el perú en las noticias de medios digitales periodísticos en el contexto del covid-19] | Palpa G.M.; Escalante J.; Obregón V.R.; Yupanqui M.G.S.; Reto D.A.C. | 2023 | 10.26439/contratexto2023.n40.6366 |
Antifungal chemicals promising function in disease prevention, method of action and mechanism; [Função promissora de produtos químicos antifúngicos na prevenção de doenças, método de ação e mecanismo] | Dominguez J.A.J.; Luque-Vilca O.M.; Mallma N.E.S.; Flores D.D.C.; Zea C.Y.H.; Huayhua L.L.A.; Lizárraga-Gamarra F.B.; Cáceres C.G.M.; Yauricasa-Tornero S.V.; Paricanaza-Ticona D.C.; Cajavilca H.L.V. | 2023 | 10.1590/1519-6984.275055 |
Morphological description and damage characterization of Eurysthea sordida (Erichson) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on Alnus acuminata Kunth (Betulaceae) from Mantaro Valley, Junin Region, Peru; [Descripción morfológica y caracterización de daños de Eurysthea sordida (Erichson) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) en Alnus acuminata Kunth (Betulaceae) para el valle del Mantaro, región de Junín, Perú] | Castañeda H.B.; Sedano D.B.; Sedano N.B.; Arroyo J.B.; Zarate S.E.Q. | 2023 | 10.21930/rcta.vol24_num2_art:2986 |
Digital transformation and competitiveness in Peruvian small business | Inga-ávila M.F.; Churampi-Cangalaya R.L.; Ulloa-Ninahuamán J.; Inga-Ávila J.L.; Uribe-Hinostroza M.; Inga-Aliaga M.Á.; Huamán-Pérez F. | 2023 | 10.5267/j.ijdns.2023.7.012 |
Use of ICT in fast food service companies in the context of the pandemic; [Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en empresas de servicio en el contexto de la pandemia] | Alania Atoc N.R.; Orosco-Fabian J.R. | 2023 | 10.52080/rvgluz.28.e9.35 |
Plithogenic Statistical Study of Environmental Audit and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Junín Region, Peru | Moscoso-Paucarchuco K.M.; Beraún-Espíritu M.M.; Gutiérrez-Gómez E.; Moreno-Menéndez F.M.; Vásquez-Ramírez M.R.; Fernández-Jaime R.J.; Sandoval-Trigos J.C.; Calderon-Fernandez P.C. | 2023 | 10.5281/zenodo.10224261 |
Plithogenic Iadov model to study university teaching practices in the complexity of the educational process of comprehensive training by competencies | Gutiérrez P.B.; Flores-Ledesma K.N.; Gómez S.L.G.; Bulnes J.L.L.; Nakayo J.L.J.; Carranza C.F.C.; Ayala A.C.N.; Yovera S.E.R. | 2023 | 10.5281/zenodo.10436629 |
Lead, Cadmium, and Arsenic in Raw Cow’s Milk in a Central Andean Area and Risks for the Peruvian Populations | Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; Ríos-Ríos E.; Castro-Chirinos G.; Chagua-Rodríguez P.; De La Cruz-Calderón G. | 2023 | 10.3390/toxics11100809 |
Palcayaco watershed management through environmental zoning in Huancavelica, Peru | Quispe-Reymundo B.J.; Révolo-Acevedo R.H.; Caso-Samaniego A.I.; Quispe-Quezada U.R.; Bonilla-Mancilla H.D.; Huamán-Huamán C.W.; Jauregui-Ofracio J. | 2023 | 10.31018/jans.v15i2.4450 |
Digital government, institutional development and public higher education | Churampi-Cangalaya R.L.; Inga-ávila M.F.; Huamán-Pérez F.; Peña-Rojas A.C.; Churampi-Cangalaya J.J.; Ulloa-Ni-Nahuaman J. | 2023 | 10.5267/j.ijdns.2023.1.002 |
Use of evidence-based study techniques in medical students, Peru; [Uso de técnicas de estudio basadas en evidencia científica en estudiantes de medicina, Perú] | Atencio Paulino J.I.; Galarza Caceres D.N.; Santivañez Lazo A.A.; Huaman Julian L.K.; Huaripata Safora M.M.; Condor Elizarbe I.R. | 2023 | 10.52379/mcs.v7i3.326 |
PERSPECTIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS | Vilcapoma-Malpartida P.-M.; Vilcañaupa-Toralava G.-M.; Huamán-Romaní Y.-L.; Aragón-Navarrete R.-N.; Huaraca-Aparco R.; Machaca-Mamani J.-C. | 2023 | 10.37467/revhuman.v21.5048 |
Pineapple mealybug wilt-associated viruses 1, 2, and 3 are associated with mealybug wilt disease of pineapple in Peru | Carrasco-Lozano E.C.; Carrillo-Ordóñez G.A.; Gamarra-Gamarra D.; Torres-Suarez G.; Villar C.M.; Stange C.; Valverde R.A. | 2023 | 10.1007/s42161-023-01327-y |
Measurement of the effectiveness of an educational program inspired by indigenous knowledge for forest management, applied to Forest Engineering students at the National University of Central Peru, using the neutrosophic 2-tuple linguistic method | Lisbet M.; Salas R.G.C.; Ruiz M.A.B.; Salas C.E.C.; Pinchi G.A.; Gavino R.C.C.; del Aguila K.R.; Chávez W.O. | 2024 | 10.5281/zenodo.10840620 |
KINETICS OF COLOR DEGRADATION DURING STORAGE OF HARD CANDIES OF DYE FROM THE GRIS FLOWER WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | Solano M.A.Q.; Flores D.D.C.; Areche F.O.; Camayo-Lapa B.F.; De la Cruz-Porta E.A.; Cervantes G.M.M.; Mallma N.E.S.; Vásquez J.P.C.; Saavedra R.T.; Victorio J.P.E.; Cajavilca H.L.V. | 2023 | 10.34302/SI/234 |
Analysis of the Influence of an XY Electronic Mechanism with UV-Vis Spectroscopy on the Production of Gold Nanoparticles by Laser Ablation for Applications in Environmental Nanosensing | Carbajal-Morán H.; Márquez-Camarena J.F.; Ingaruca-Álvarez E.F.; Zárate-Quiñones R.H. | 2023 | 10.12911/22998993/165896 |
Acquisition, Characterization, and Optimization of Distilled Bioethanol Generated from Fermented Carrot (Daucus carota) Residues | Palacios-Velásquez A.; Quispe-Coquil V.; Casimiro-Soriano E.M.; Tapia-Zarate K.M.; Huamán-De la Cruz A.R. | 2023 | 10.3390/fermentation9100867 |
Characterization of social skills and emotion management of students in a public Peruvian university based on Plithogenic Statistics and Indeterminate Likert Scale | Camayo-Lapa B.F.; Flores Ledesma K.N.; Landa-Guadalupe L.E.; Quispe-Solano M.A.; De La Cruz Porta E.A.; Luis L.B.J.; Carranza C.F.C.; Mandamiento A.S.C. | 2023 | 10.5281/zenodo.10436581 |
Quality control test for unreliable meteorological and electrical photovoltaic measurements | Galarza J.; Condezo D. | 2023 | 10.11591/ijece.v13i5.pp4845-4855 |
Implementing Cloud Computing for the Digital Mapping of Agricultural Soil Properties from High Resolution UAV Multispectral Imagery | Pizarro S.; Pricope N.G.; Figueroa D.; Carbajal C.; Quispe M.; Vera J.; Alejandro L.; Achallma L.; Gonzalez I.; Salazar W.; Loayza H.; Cruz J.; Arbizu C.I. | 2023 | 10.3390/rs15123203 |
Performance and physiological quality of Escallonia resinosa seeds: prospects for their use in reforestation and restoration | Huayta-Hinojosa L.D.; Nolasco-Lozano E.; Guerra D.; Hermoza-Gamboa J.; Quispe-Melgar H.R. | 2023 | 10.1111/rec.13848 |
Investigative competences and teaching performance in pedagogical training centers of a department of Peru; [Competencias investigativas y desempeño docente en centros de formación pedagógica de un departamento de Perú] | Paredes-Pérez M.A.J.; Ramírez-Arellano M.A.; Cardenas-Tapia V.R.; Palomino-Crispín A.E.; Alania-Contreras R.D. | 2023 | |
Formulation, Characterization, and Determination of the Rheological Profile of Loquat Compote Mespilus Germánica L. through Sustenance Artificial Intelligence | Ore Areche F.; Flores D.D.C.; Quispe-Solano M.A.; Nayik G.A.; Cruz-Porta E.A.D.L.; Rodríguez A.R.; Roman A.V.; Chweya R. | 2023 | 10.1155/2023/3344539 |
The impact of Intermarket Sweep Orders on volatility: an agent-based stock market model | Virgilio G.P.M.; Espinoza P.H.P. | 2023 | |
Optimization of extraction using surface response methodology and quantification of cannabinoids in female inflorescences of marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) at three altitudinal floors of Peru | Espinoza-Silva C.; Pascual E.; Delgadillo Y.; Flores O.R.; Artica L.M.; Marmolejo D.; Baños-Medina L. | 2023 | 10.1515/opag-2022-0186 |
Polyphenols from coffee (Coffee arabica L.) Shell and pulp extracted by ultrasound applying surface response methodology | Solano M.A.Q.; Flores D.D.C.; Mallma N.E.S.; Camayo-Lapa B.F.; De la Cruz-Porta E.A.; Cervantes G.M.M.; Areche F.O. | 2023 | 10.34302/SI/231 |
EFFECT OF PROPOLIS AS A PRESERVATIVE APPLIED TO ALPACA (VICUGNA PACOS) MEAT HAMBURGER, HUANCAVELICA, PERU | Alfonso Ruiz R.; Franklin Ore A.; Oliver Taype L.; Olga Vicentina P.-A.; Cesar Cipriano Zea M.; Rafael Julian Malpartida Y.; Jeny Yanet M.S.C.; Tania Jakeline Choque R.; Denis Dante Corilla F.; Flor Beatriz Lizárraga G.; Olivia Magaly Luque V.; Jimmy Pablo Echevarría V.; Becquer Frauberth C.-L.; Cecilia Yanett Reategui V.; Russbelt Y.-H.; Sami U. | 2023 | 10.12944/CRNFSJ.11.1.30 |
Use of organic fertilizers with microbes for improving maize growth, physiology and soil properties; [Uso de fertilizantes orgânicos com micróbios para a melhora do crescimento de milho, da fisiologia e das propriedades do solo] | Corilla Flores D.D.; More López J.M.; Caira Mamani C.M.; Saavedra Mallma N.E.; Manyari Cervantes G.M.; Julcahuanga Dominguez J.A.; Zarate Paucarpura V.A.; Aguirre Huayhua L.L.; Nunja García J.V.; Pacovilca Alejo G.S.; Sánchez Araujo V.G.; Angoma A.P.; Areche F.O. | 2023 | 10.1590/1519-6984.276814 |
Economic valuation of the ecosystem of the high Andean hydrographic basin tributary of the Chumbao River, through multicriteria analysis; [Valoração econômica do ecossistema da bacia hidrográfica do alto andino (afluente do rio Chumbao) a partir de análise multicritério] | Barrial-Lujan A.I.; Rodríguez G.; Huamán-Carrión M.L.; Espinoza-Montes F.; Barrial-Acosta D.; Delgado Laime M.C.; Arevalo-Quijano J.C.; Castro-Paniagua W.G.; Barrial-Lujan C.; Reynoso-Canicani D.D. | 2023 | 10.1590/1519-6984.277697 |
Effect of different concentrations of stem juice of Oxalis tuberosa Mol. and juice of the fruit of Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.) Sleumer on the antioxidant activity of the heat-treated functional beverage; [Efeito de diferentes concentrações de suco do caule de Oxalis tuberosa Mol. e de suco do fruto de Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.) Sleumer sobre a atividade antioxidante da bebida funcional tratada termicamente] | Ore-Areche F.; Flores D.D.C.; Pacovilca-Alejo O.V.; Montesinos C.C.Z.; Carrasco S.M.; Chirre E.T.C.; Camayo-Lapa B.F.; Solano M.A.Q.; Hinojosa R.C.A.; De La Cruz-Porta E.A.; Alejo G.S.P.; Yapias R.J.M.; Chiarella G.K.G.; Rivera T.J.C.; Díaz R.R.I.; Ccencho R.V.M.; Paricanaza-Ticona D.C.; Yaulilahua-Huacho R. | 2023 | 10.1590/1519-6984.274986 |
Effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on biomass production in wastewater; [Efeito da concentração de oxigênio dissolvido na produção de biomassa em águas residuais] | Povis A.A.L.; Pérez E.A.S.; Quispe K.A.O.; Yanqui P.V.G. | 2023 | 10.4136/ambi-agua.2937 |
Human Health Risk Assessment for Exposure to Heavy Metals via Dietary Intake of Rainbow Trout in the Influence Area of a Smelting Facility Located in Peru | Peñaloza R.; Custodio M.; Cacciuttolo C.; Chanamé F.; Cano D.; Solorzano F. | 2023 | 10.3390/toxics11090764 |
Pb(II) Uptake from Polluted Irrigation Water Using Anatase TiO2 Nanoadsorbent | Vasquez-Caballero M.A.; Canchanya-Huaman Y.; Mayta-Armas A.F.; Pomalaya-Velasco J.; Checca-Huaman N.-R.; Bendezú-Roca Y.; Ramos-Guivar J.A. | 2023 | 10.3390/molecules28124596 |
Identification of 20 species from the Peruvian Amazon tropical forest by the wood macroscopic features | Ferreira C.A.; Inga J.G.G.; Buendia R.H.; Vidal O.D.A.; Reyes D.C.A.; Centeno W.G.; Ascue B.S.M.; Moya S.M.M.; Centeno T.U.; Echeverry A.V.; Filho M.T. | 2023 | 10.1590/01047760202329013134 |
Enhanced Removal of As(V) and Pb(II) from Drinking and Irrigating Water Effluents Using Hydrothermally Synthesized Zeolite 5A | Mayta-Armas A.F.; Canchanya-Huaman Y.; Pomalaya-Velasco J.; Bendezú-Roca Y.; Checca-Huaman N.-R.; Ramos-Guivar J.A. | 2023 | 10.3390/w15101892 |
Automation and Optimization of Industrial Scale Essential Oil Extraction from Citrus Peel Using a Neutrosophic Control System Model | Beraún-Espíritu M.M.; Moscoso-Paucarchuco K.M.; Espinoza-Quispe L.E.; Moreno-Menéndez F.M.; Sandoval-Trigos J.C.; Julca-Marcelo E.H.; Tuya-Cerna B.J.; Gutiérrez-Gómez E. | 2023 | 10.5281/zenodo.10436567 |
Construction of scales of attitude towards scientific research and availability for formative research; [Construcción de escalas de actitud hacia la investigación científica y disponibilidad para la investigación formativa] | Alania-Contreras R.D.; Rafaele-De-la-cruz M.; Tello-Yance F.; Ortega-Révolo D.I.D.; Paredes-Pérez M.A.J. | 2023 | |
Application of the Chatbot in University Education: A Bibliometric Analysis of Indexed Scientific Production in SCOPUS, 2013-2023 | Chamorro-Atalaya O.; Olivares-Zegarra S.; Sobrino-Chunga L.; Guerrero-Carranza R.; Vargas-Diaz A.; Huarcaya-Godoy M.; Rasilla-Rovegno J.; Suarez-Bazalar R.; Poma-Garcia J.; Cruz-Telada Y. | 2023 | 10.26803/ijlter.22.7.15 |
The occurrence of Sarcocystis spp. in the myocardium of alpacas (Vicugna pacos) with associated risk factors in the Peruvian Andes | Rodríguez A.; Quispe-Solano M.; Rodríguez J.-L.; Lucas J.R. | 2023 | 10.1007/s11250-023-03498-3 |
NANOENCAPSULATION BY IONIC GELATION OF POLYPHENOLS FROM ARTICHOKE (CYNARA SCOLYMUS L.) RESIDUES USING ULTRASOUND | Solano M.A.Q.; Valenzuela J.A.P.; Silva C.R.E.; Lapa B.F.C.; de la Cruz A.R.H.; Cervantes G.M.M.; Flores D.D.C. | 2023 | 10.17306/J.AFS.2023.1047 |
Space-time quantification of aboveground net primary productivity service supply capacity in high Andean bofedales using remote sensors | Cano D.; Crispin A.; Custodio M.; Chanamé F.; Peñaloza R.; Pizarro S. | 2023 | 10.24425/jwld.2023.143758 |
Competencies and Capabilities for the Management of Sustainable Rural Development Projects in the Value Chain: Perception from Small and Medium-Sized Business Agents in Jauja, Peru | Jiménez Aliaga R.; De los Ríos-Carmenado I.; Huamán Cristóbal A.E.; Aliaga Balbín H.; Marroquín Heros A.M. | 2023 | 10.3390/su152115580 |
Maximization of economic benefits of fattening guinea pig through feed restriction; [Maximización de beneficios económicos del engorde de cuyes mediante restricción alimentaria] | Meza E.; Orellana J.; Astuhuamán L.; Mendoza G. | 2023 | 10.15381/rivep.v34i5.26374 |
Replacement income and informal commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic in Huancayo, Peru; [Recambio de ingresos y comercio informal durante la pandemia de la covid-19 en Huancayo, Perú] | Clark P.; Chanca-Flores A.; Vincent S. | 2023 | 10.17141/iconos.76.2023.5544 |
On asymmetric relations and robustified cross-correlation approach to surveillance based on detection of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater in Chile and Peru | Stehlík M.; Ibacache-Quiroga C.; Dinamarca M.A.; González-Pizarro K.; Valdivia-Carrera C.A.; Gonzales-Gustavson E.; Ho-Palma A.C.; Barraza-Morales B. | 2023 | 10.1016/j.chemolab.2023.104987 |
Academic stress and organizational climate in university students of a public university in Peru in the post-Covid-19 pandemic; [Estrés académico y clima organizacional en estudiantes universitarios de una universidad pública en Perú en pospandemia Covid-19] | López-Armes E.L.; Javier-Ninahuaman H.J. | 2023 | 10.15649/2346030X.3386 |
Uses of medicinal plant in the context of COVID-19 according to beliefs and cultural knowledge of inhabitants of the Sierra and Central Selva of Peru; [Creencias y prácticas culturales de uso de plantas medicinales en el contexto de la COVID-19 en pobladores de la Sierra y Selva Central de Perú] | Condori-Apaza M.; Ruiz-Aquino M.; Reyna-Arauco G.A.; Villavicencio-Condori A.C.; de Tarazona M.I.L. | 2023 | 10.47993/gmb.v46i2.772 |
Geographic distribution and type of human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) infection in Peruvian patients 2019-2021; [Distribución geográfica y tipo de infección del virus linfotrópico T humano en pacientes peruanos 2019-2021] | Miranda-Ulloa E.; Romero-Ruiz S.; Montalvo-Otivo R.; Suárez-Agüero D.; Quiroz-Ruiz H.R.; Valverde-Ticlia F.; Briceño-Espinoza R. | 2023 | 10.4067/S0716-10182023000200193 |
Microbial and potentially toxic elements risk assessment in high Andean river water based on Monte Carlo simulation, Peru | Custodio M.; Peñaloza R.; Ochoa S.; De la Cruz H.; Rodríguez C.; Cuadrado W. | 2023 | 10.1038/s41598-023-48853-4 |
Eutrophication of Laguna de Paca and Its Consequences – Peru | Mallma-Capcha T.; Chávez-Pacheco M.P. | 2023 | 10.13189/eer.2023.110516 |
Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2, rotavirus, norovirus genogroup II, and human adenovirus in wastewater as an epidemiological tool to anticipate outbreaks of COVID-19 and acute gastroenteritis in a city without a wastewater treatment plant in the Peruvian Highlands | Valdivia-Carrera C.A.; Ho-Palma A.C.; Munguia-Mercado A.; Gonzalez-Pizarro K.; Ibacache-Quiroga C.; Dinamarca A.; Stehlík M.; Rusiñol M.; Girones R.; Lopez-Urbina M.T.; Basaldua Galarza A.; Gonzales-Gustavson E. | 2023 | 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167161 |
Governance Structures and Corporate Governance in Production of Aguaymanto Collective | Espinoza Calderón G.A.; Bustamante Cárdenas G.O.; Torres R.H.; Torres Rivera J.L. | 2023 | 10.3303/CET23102038 |
Teachers in Physical Education linked to disability and inclusion in Peru; [Profesorado en Educación Física vinculado a la discapacidad e inclusión en Perú] | Torres-Paz L.E.; Granados-Barreto J.C.; Torres-Lozada E.J.; Bustamante-Cerna D.; Arroyo-Fernández Y.F. | 2023 | 10.47197/RETOS.V49.98676 |
Household transmission of SARS-CoV-2: Systematic review and metaanalysis; [Transmisión domiciliaria de SARS-CoV-2: Revisión sistemática y metaanálisis] | Rojas-Miliano C.; Mejia J.R.; Garay-Rios L.; Zárate-Vargas A.M.; Alvarez-Cajachagua V.; Acosta-Barriga J. | 2023 | 10.35434/rcmhnaaa.2023.161.1700 |
Effect of the Exogenous Application of Different Concentrations of Indole-3-Acetic Acid as a Growth Regulator on Onion (Allium cepa L.) Cultivation | Solano C.; Artola A.; Barrena R.; Ballardo C.; Sánchez A. | 2023 | 10.3390/agronomy13092204 |
Potential ecological risk from heavy metals in surface sediment of lotic systems in central region Peru | Custodio M.; Fow A.; De la Cruz H.; Chanamé F.; Huarcaya J. | 2023 | 10.3389/frwa.2023.1295712 |
Oesophageal and Oral Ulcer Tuberculous Associated with Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) and SARS-COV-2 Infection | Montalvo R.; Vilcapoma P.; Pomazongo M.; Mathey C.; Montalvo M. | 2023 | 10.24321/0019.5138.202312 |
Recovery of the Tambobamba Watershed after Environmental Zoning and Monitoring Using Vegetation Indices | Solano-Velarde Z.; Quispe-Reymundo B.J.; Révolo-Acevedo R.H.; Quispe-Quezada U.R.; Bonilla-Mancilla H.D.; Quispe-Quezada L.P. | 2023 | 10.18178/ijesd.2023.14.3.1437 |
A comparative study based on neutrosophic numbers and the Indeterminate VIKOR method for the selection of three types of vertical axis wind turbines adapted to the conditions of Peru | Hurtado D.E.C.; Camayo-Lapa B.F.; Galarza-Linares J.E.; Lazo-Baltazar B.D.; Sotelo A.F.C.; Camayo-Vivas A.B.; Loayza B.S.; Solano M.Á.Q. | 2023 | 10.5281/zenodo.10436593 |
Severe hyponatremia due to tuberculous meningitis: a common but forgotten complication; [Hiponatremia severa por meningitis tuberculosa: complicación frecuente pero olvidada] | Hurtado-Alegre J.L.; Carrasco-Lozano L.E.; Milicic-Mori A.C.; Quispe-Pari J.F. | 2023 | 10.15381/anales.v84i3.25311 |
Seismic vulnerability in essential buildings through analytical fragility curves | Sáenz U.; Santana R. | 2023 | 10.7764/RIC.00072.21 |
Prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacteria in a public hospital located in the highlands of Peru; [Prevalencia de bacterias multidrogoresistentes en un hospital público ubicado en la sierra del Perú] | Quispe-Pari F.; Kong-Paravicino C.; Eguiluz M.; Hurtado-Alegre J.; Acosta J. | 2023 | 10.15381/anales.v84i2.24951 |
Effective removal of Cr (VI) ions using low-cost biomass leaves (Sambucus nigra L.) in aqueous solution | Mancilla H.B.; Cerrón M.R.; Aroni P.G.; Paucar J.E.P.; Tovar C.T.; Jindal M.K.; Gowrisankar G. | 2023 | 10.1007/s11356-022-24064-8 |
Screening South American Potato Landraces and Potato Wild Relatives for Novel Sources of Late Blight Resistance | Perez W.; Alarcon L.; Rojas T.; Correa Y.; Juarez H.; Andrade-Piedra J.L.; Anglin N.L.; Ellis D. | 2022 | 10.1094/PDIS-07-21-1582-RE |
Environmental Education: From Historical Considerations to the Ethics of Responsibility; [Educación medioambiental: De las consideraciones históricas a la ética de la responsabilidad] | Marín J.M.R.; Juanito Y.A.C.; Llallico M.B.S. | 2022 | 10.5281/zenodo.6464211 |
Factors associated with depressive symptomatology during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico: A 2021 national survey | Valencia P.D.; Torres-Quispe M.A.; Sánchez-Cayo S.; Reyes-Aguilar R.F.; Acevedo-Cahuana A.G. | 2022 | 10.1016/j.jad.2022.08.088 |
Influence of people, processes and technology on business strategy in small enterprise in a Covid 19 environment | Inga-ávila M.; Churampi-Cangalaya R.; Inga-Aliaga M.; Rodríguez-Gi-raldez W.; Vicente-Ramos W. | 2022 | 10.5267/j.ijdns.2022.3.003 |
Digestible and metabolizable energy prediction models in guinea pig feedstuffs | Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; Quijada-Caro E. | 2022 | 10.1080/09712119.2022.2079647 |
Capital structure and financial decisions in Peruvian high Andean microenterprises: a systematic review; [Estructura de capital y decisiones financieras emicroempresas altoandinas de Perú: revisión sistemática] | Ramírez-Arellano M.Á.; Paredes-Pérez M.A.J.; Cárdenas-Tapia V.R.; Palomino-Crispín A.E.; Alania-Contreras R.D. | 2022 | |
A Tale of Two Crises in Peru Livelihoods and Social Reproduction During the 1980s and the COVID-19 Pandemic | Vincent S.; Flores A.C.; Clark P. | 2022 | 10.18357/anthropologica6412022374 |
Hass and Fuerte avocado (Persea americana sp.) oils extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide: Bioactive compounds, fatty acid content, antioxidant capacity and oxidative stability | Vilca R.; Espinoza-Silva C.; Alfaro-Cruz S.; Ponce-Ramírez J.C.; Quispe-Neyra J.; Alvarado-Zambrano F.; Cortés-Avendaño P.; Condezo-Hoyos L. | 2022 | 10.1016/j.supflu.2022.105750 |
Attitudes towards peripheral sexualities in university students of a Rioja, Argentina and Huancayo, Peru; [Actitudes hacia las sexualidades periféricas en estudiantes universitarios de La Rioja, Argentina y Huancayo, Perú] | Hinostroza M.U.; Aliaga Sandoval C.G.; Díaz N.A.; Alfonso A.B.; Cuba Uribe J.K. | 2022 | 10.5565/rev/qpsicologia.1685 |
Diverse phytoplasmas associated with maize bushy stunt disease in Peru | Gamarra D.G.; Villar C.M.; Suarez G.T.; Esteban W.D.I.; Contaldo N.; Lozano E.C.C.; Bertaccini A. | 2022 | 10.1007/s10658-022-02470-5 |
University social responsibility: Perception of teachers and authorities of Peruvian public universities; [Responsabilidad social universitaria: Percepción de docentes y autoridades de universidades públicas peruanas] | Marisol C.A.; Cecilia V.C.A.; Alberto R.A.G. | 2022 | 10.31876/rcs.v28i.38848 |
Knowledge, Attitude and Eco-Efficiency Urban Environment in the Inhabitants of the District of Chilca - Peru | Acevedo R.H.R.; Reymundo B.J.Q.; Huamán C.W.H.; Orellana J.C.Á.; Berrocal E.O.; Ofracio J.D.J.; Velarde Z.S.; Quezada U.R.Q.; Salas W.R.; Montalvan C.E.Á. | 2022 | 10.36941/jesr-2022-0017 |
Prevalence and Factors Associated with Eating Disorders in Peruvian Human Medicine Students in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Multicentre Study; [Prevalencia y factores del trastorno de conducta alimentaria en estudiantes de medicina humana del perú en el contexto de la pandemia de covid-19: estudio multicéntrico] | Zila-Velasque J.P.; Grados-Espinoza P.; Regalado-Rodríguez K.M.; Luna-Córdova C.J.; Calderón G.S.S.; Díaz-Vargas M.; Sifuentes-Rosales J.; Diaz-Vélez C. | 2022 | 10.1016/j.rcp.2022.07.005 |
Experience of the medical personnel of a peruvian public hospital in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic; [Experiencia del personal médico de un hospital público peruano frente a la pandemia por COVID-19] | Montalvo R.; Rojas A. | 2022 | 10.5867/medwave.2022.S3.2602 |
Predictive model of stunting in the Central Andean region of Peru based on socioeconomic and agri-food determinants | Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; De La Cruz-Calderón G. | 2021 | 10.1016/j.puhip.2021.100112 |
Effective Leadership: Focusing on Organizational Development from Investor Outcomes; [Liderazgo eficaz: Enfoque para el desarrollo organizacional desde los resultados en cuanto a los inversionistas] | Alex-Sandro L.-Q.; Yolanda B.P.J.; Oracio C.I.M.; Alcides A.O.C. | 2022 | 10.31876/rcs.v28i2.37941 |
The elimination of lead(II) ions in a solution by bio-adsorption: Kinetics, equilibrium, and thermodynamics | Tejada-Tovar C.; Bonilla-Mancilla H.; Toro R.O.; Villabona-Ortíz A.; Díaz-Illanes M. | 2022 | 10.24425/jwld.2022.140787 |
Wastewater treatment using microbial enzymatic mixture; [Purificação de águas residuais a partir de uma mistura enzimática microbiana] | Povis A.A.L.; Pérez E.A.S. | 2023 | 10.4136/ambi-agua.2866 |
Importance of e-learning in students’ oral expression: A systematic review.; [Importancia del e-learning en la expresión oral en los estudiantes: Una revisión sistemática] | Ochoa-Santos L.; Otoya F.A.F.; Poma-Garcia J.; Carbajal L.A.D.; Tarazona M.R.P. | 2022 | |
Factors associated with the consumption of chlorine dioxide to prevent and treat COVID-19 in the Peruvian population: a cross-sectional study | Soriano-Moreno D.R.; Fernandez-Guzman D.; Ccami-Bernal F.; Rojas-Miliano C.; Nieto-Gutierrez W. | 2021 | 10.1186/s12889-021-12191-9 |
Pharmaceutical pollution of the world's rivers | Wilkinson J.L.; Boxall A.B.A.; Kolpin D.W.; Leung K.M.Y.; Lai R.W.S.; Galban-Malag C.; Adell A.D.; Mondon J.; Metian M.; Marchant R.A.; Bouzas-Monroy A.; Cuni-Sanchez A.; Coors A.; Carriquiriborde P.; Rojo M.; Gordon C.; Cara M.; Moermond M.; Luarte T.; Petrosyan V.; Perikhanyan Y.; Mahon C.S.; McGurk C.J.; Hofmann T.; Kormoker T.; Iniguez V.; Guzman-Otazo J.; Tavares J.L.; de Figueiredo F.G.; Razzolini M.T.P.; Dougnon V.; Gbaguidi G.; Traore O.; Blais J.M.; Kimpe L.E.; Wong M.; Wong D.; Ntchantcho R.; Pizarro J.; Ying G.-G.; Chen C.-E.; Paez M.; Martınez-Lara J.; Otamonga J.-P.; Pote J.; Ifo S.A.; Wilson P.; Echeverrıa-Saenz S.; Udikovic-Kolic N.; Milakovic M.; Fatta-Kassinos D.; Ioannou-Ttofa L.; Belusova V.; Vymazal J.; Cardenas-Bustamante M.; Kassa B.A.; Garric J.; Chaumot A.; Gibba P.; Kunchulia I.; Seidensticker S.; Lyberatos G.; Halldorsson H.P.; Melling M.; Shashidhar T.; Lamba M.; Nastiti A.; Supriatin A.; Pourang N.; Abedini A.; Abdullah O.; Gharbia S.S.; Pilla F.; Chefetz B.; Topaz T.; Yao K.M.; Aubakirova B.; Beisenova R.; Olaka L.; Mulu J.K.; Chatanga P.; Ntuli V.; Blama N.T.; Sherif S.; Aris A.Z.; Looi L.J.; Niang M.; Traore S.T.; Oldenkamp R.; Ogunbanwo O.; Ashfaq M.; Iqbal M.; Abdeen Z.; O'Dea A.; Morales-Saldaña J.M.; Custodio M.; de la Cruz H.; Navarrete I.; Carvalho F.; Gogra A.B.; Koroma B.M.; Cerkvenik-Flajs V.; Gombac M.; Thwala M.; Choi K.; Kang H.; Celestino Ladu J.L.; Rico A.; Amerasinghe P.; Sobek A.; Horlitz G.; Zenker A.K.; King A.C.; Jiang J.-J.; Kariuki R.; Tumbo M.; Tezel U.; Onay T.T.; Lejju J.B.; Vystavna Y.; Vergeles Y.; Heinzen H.; Perez-Parada A.; Sims D.B.; Figy M.; Good D.; Teta C. | 2022 | 10.1073/pnas.2113947119 |
Inverse relationship between altitude and cardiometabolic risk in the Peruvian population: results of a population-based survey and the importance of waist-to-height ratio as an indicator of cardiometabolic risk; [Relación inversa entre la altitud y el riesgo cardiometabólico en la población peruana: resultados de una encuesta de base poblacional e importancia de la relación cintura-talla como indicador de riesgo cardiometabólico] | Zela-Coila F.; Cerron-Daga G.; Porta-Quinto T. | 2022 | 10.35434/rcmhnaaa.2022.154.1730 |
Deep learning applied to the strategic planning of the regional governments of the central macro region to determine the alignment with the policies of the central government; [Deep learning aplicado ao planejamento estratégico dos governos regionais da macrorregião central para determinar o alinhamento com as políticas do governo central]; [Deep learning aplicado al planeamiento estratégico de los gobiernos regionales de la macro región centro para determinar el alineamiento con las políticas del gobierno central] | Mercado Rivas R.Y.; Cerrón Pérez J.L.; Raraz Tupac Yupanqui O.C. | 2022 | 10.51798/sijis.v3i4.436 |
Digital competences in secondary education teachers in a province of central peru; [Competências digitais de professores da educação do ensino médio em uma província no centro do Peru]; [Competencias digitales de docentes de educación secundaria en una provincia del centro del Perú] | Orosco-Fabian J.R.; Pomasunco-Huaytalla R.; Gómez-Galindo W.; Salgado-Samaniego E.; Colachagua-Calderón D.A. | 2021 | 10.15359/ree.25-3.34 |
Study of sorption and the possibility of identifying highly volatile biomolecules in a mixture by e-nose piezo-sensor signals on microsorbents; [Изучение сорбции и возможности идентификации легколетучих биомолекул в смеси по сигналам пьезосенсоров «электронного носа» на микросорбентах] | Kuchmenko T.A.; Dorovskaya E.S.; Menzhulina D.A.; Tueros J.V.C.; Perez E.A.S.; Yanqui P.V.G.; del Pilar Huanca Villanes Y. | 2022 | 10.17308/sorpchrom.2022.22/9017 |
Development of Chincho (Tagetes elliptica Sm.) Essential Oil Organogel Nanoparticles through Ionic Gelation and Process Optimization with Box–Behnken Design | Cerrón-Mercado F.; Salva-Ruíz B.K.; Nolazco-Cama D.; Espinoza-Silva C.; Fernández-López J.; Pérez-Alvarez J.A.; Viuda-Martos M. | 2022 | 10.3390/gels8120815 |
Evaluation of the Control of Environmental Variables in a Pine Seedling Greenhouse | Carbajal-Morán H.; Márquez-Camarena J.F.; Galván-Maldonado C.A.; De la Cruz-Vilchez E.E.; Zárate-Quiñones R.H. | 2023 | 10.15244/pjoes/156928 |
Factors associated with discordant immuno-viral response in HIV-positive Peruvian adult people treated between 2005 and 2017 | Carrasco Navarro R.M.; Otivo R.H.M.; Lazo J.U.C. | 2022 | 10.5114/hivar.2022.115861 |
THE PLAZA IN THE HISPANIC ANDEAN CITIES OF PERU; [LA PLAZA EN LAS CIUDADES HISPANO ANDINAS DEL PERÚ] | Orellana Tapia M.; Cabezas D.C.; Perales Simeón L.R.; Rivera Lopez B.A. | 2022 | 10.21754/devenir.v9i17.1042 |
Effects of Grassland Afforestation on Water Yield in Basins of Uruguay: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Historical Trends Using Remote Sensing and Field Measurements | Cano D.; Cacciuttolo C.; Custodio M.; Nosetto M. | 2023 | 10.3390/land12010185 |
Ecological Risk Assessment for Heavy Metals in Agricultural Soils Surrounding Dumps, Huancayo Province, Peru | Orellana-Mendoza E.; Acevedo R.R.; Huamán C.H.; Zamora Y.M.; Bastos M.C.; Loardo-Tovar H. | 2022 | 10.12911/22998993/147809 |
Adaptation, validation, reliability and assessment of an attitude towards online education scale for university students in the COVID-19 crisis; [Adaptación, validación, fiabilidad y baremación de una escala de actitud hacia la educación online para universitarios en la crisis por COVID-19] | Alania-Contreras R.D.; Chanca-Flores A.; Condori-Apaza M.; Fabian-Arias E.; Rafaele-De-la-Cruz M. | 2021 | 10.30827/PUBLICACIONES.V52I3.22273 |
Digital skills and academic performance in students of a Peruvian technical-productive education institution; [Competencias digitales y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de una institución de educación técnica-productiva peruana] | Vicente R.R.B.; Frauberth C.L.B.; Godofredo V.S.A.; Javier V.A.J. | 2022 | 10.31876/rcs.v28i.38832 |
Treatment of Hospital Wastewater Using Activated Sludge with Extended Aeration | Custodio M.; Cuadrado-Campó W.; Peñaloza R.; Vicuña-Orihuela C.; Torres-Gutiérrez E.; Orellana E. | 2022 | 10.12911/22998993/152991 |
A randomised controlled trial to evaluate a medication monitoring system for TB treatment | Acosta J.; Flores P.; Alarcón M.; Grande-Ortiz M.; Moreno-Exebio L.; Puyen Z.M. | 2022 | 10.5588/ijtld.21.0373 |
Gri-food factors associated with the prevalence of child anemia in high-andean communities of Huancavelica, Peru; [Factores agroalimentarios asociados con la prevalencia de anemia infantil en comunidades altoandinas de Huancavelica, Perú] | Chagua-Rodríguez P.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; Castro-Bedriñana J. | 2022 | |
Suicides in Perú: Epidemiological description through SINADEF in the period 2017-2021.; [SuicidiosenelPerú:Descripciónepidemiológica a través del Sistema Informático Nacional de Defunciones (SINADEF) en el periodo 2017-2021.] | Contreras-Cordova C.R.; Atencio-Paulino J.I.; Sedano C.; Ccoicca-Hinojosa F.J.; Huaman W.P. | 2022 | 10.20453/rnp.v85i1.4152 |
Socio-family conditions and depression in older adults in isolation by COVID-19 in a population Perú; [Condiciones sociofamiliares y depresión en adultos mayores durante el aislamiento social por COVID-19 en una población de la sierra peruana] | Edgar G.G.W.; William B.-E.R.; Magaly A.-E.; Alberto C.A.L.; Jenny Z.O. | 2022 | |
Mental Disorders and Level of Resilience in Eight High-Altitude Cities of Peru during the Second Pandemic Wave: A Multicenter Population-Based Study | Zila-Velasque J.P.; Grados-Espinoza P.; Coba-Villan N.; Quispe-Chamorro J.; Taipe-Guillén Y.F.; Pacheco E.; Ccasa-Valero L.; Failoc-Rojas V.E.; Díaz-Vélez C.; Valladares-Garrido M.J. | 2023 | 10.3390/ijerph20010519 |
Modification of the Nutritional Quality and Oxidative Stability of Lupin (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) and Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) Oil Blends | Rodríguez G.; Aguirre E.; Córdova-Chang A.; Muñoz-Saenz J.C.; Baquerizo M.; Brandolini A.; Villanueva E.; Hidalgo A. | 2022 | 10.3390/molecules27217315 |
Multiple Correspondence Analysis of the Sustainability on Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) Producing Units in Mantaro Valley, Peru; [Análisis de Correspondencia Múltiple de Sustentabilidad en Unidades Productoras de Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) en el valle del Mantaro, Perú] | Aquino Zacarías V.C.; Gómez Villanes N.I.; Porta Chupurgo R.; Jiménez-Dávalos J. | 2022 | 10.4067/S0718-34292022000100015 |
Human risk associated with the ingestion of artichokes grown in soils irrigated with water contaminated by potentially toxic elements, Junin, Peru | Custodio M.; Peñaloza R.; Ochoa S.; Cuadrado W. | 2021 | 10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.06.054 |
Determinants of adolescent pregnancy in indigenous communities from the Peruvian central jungle: a case–control study | Mejia J.R.; Quincho-Estares Á.J.; Flores-Rondon A.J.; Reyes-Beltran G.; Arias-Sulca I.L.; Palomino-Hilario E.; Barrientos-Cochachi J.E.; Toro-Huamanchumo C.J. | 2021 | 10.1186/s12978-021-01247-z |
Characteristics and factors associated with self-medication due to COVID-19 in students of a Peruvian University; [Características y factores asociados a la automedicación por COVID-19 en estudiantes de una universidad peruana] | Rojas-Miliano C.; Galarza-Caceres D.N.; Zárate-Vargas A.M.; Araujo-Ramos G.; Rosales-Guerra J.; Quiñones-Laveriano D.M. | 2022 | |
Reprint of: Man with severe mucocutaneous leishmaniasis | Cárdenas G.A.P.; Travezaño J.E.R.; Chavez M.S.C. | 2022 | 10.1016/j.disamonth.2022.101425 |
Diversity of enterobacterales in sediments of lagoons with fish farming activity and analysis of antibiotic resistance | Custodio M.; Peñaloza R.; Ordinola-Zapata A.; Peralta-Ortiz T.; Sánches-Suárez H.; Vieyra-Peña E.; De la Cruz H.; Alvarado-Ibáñez J. | 2023 | 10.1016/j.toxrep.2023.02.002 |
Excess visceral fat associated with severity of COVID-19 quantified by bioimpedance; [Exceso de grasa visceral asociado a severidad de COVID-19, cuantificado por bioimpedancia] | Frank R.C.; Otivo R.M.; Ricaldi O.; Montalvo M.; Ninahuanca C.; Ochoa S.; Rojas A. | 2022 | 10.52808/bmsa.7e5.621.005 |
MODELO EVALUATIVO PARA LA ENSENANZA DE LA ARQUITECTURA BASADO EN LOGICAS DESCRIPTIVAS | Nieva-Villegas M.A.; Moscoso-Paucarchuco K.M.; Chavez-Bellido L.A.; Sandoval-Trigos J.C.; Beraun-Espiritu M.M. | 2022 | |
Two protocols to synchronize the oestrus of lactating ewes using progestogens; [Dos protocolos para sincronizar el estro de ovejas lactantes utilizando progestágenos] | Molina S.E.; Rojas G.E.; Huaroco C.T.; Huayta M.C.; Guerra U.H.P.; Cruz D.J. | 2022 | 10.15381/rivep.v33i6.24095 |
Characterization of trace elements and light absorbing particles (LAPs) at snow of Huaytapallana glacier (Peru); [CARACTERIZACIÓN ESTACIONAL DE LOS ELEMENTOS TRAZA Y PARTÍCULAS ABSORBENTES DE LUZ (PAL) EN LA NIEVE DEL GLACIAR HUAYTAPALLANA (PERÚ)] | Torres C.; Bendezú Y.; Álvarez D.; Suárez-Salas L.; De La Cruz A.H.; Schmitt C.; Fuentes W.; Caro E. | 2022 | 10.20937/RICA.54091 |
Prevention and control practices against Sars-Cov2 infection in the peruvian population; [Prácticas de prevención y control frente a la infección por Sars-Cov2 en la población peruana] | Fernandez-Guzman D.; Soriano-Moreno D.R.; Ccami-Bernal F.; Rojas-Miliano C.; Sangster-Carrasco L.; Hernandez-Bustamante E.A.; Zamora-Huaringa E.G.; De-Los-Rios-Pinto A.; Nieto-Gutierrez W. | 2021 | 10.35434/rcmhnaaa.2021.14Sup1.1149 |
COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF TWO METHODS OF EARLY PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS IN BOVINES IN THE CENTRAL HIGHLANDS OF PERU; [Evaluación comparativa de dos métodos de diagnóstico precoz de gestación en bovinos en la sierra central del Perú] | Villar F.A.; Sánchez N.M.; Huamán R.D.; Payano I.U.; Eulogio C.Q.; De La Cruz A.H. | 2022 | 10.18548/aspe/0010.24 |
Diagnostic accuracy of urine dipstick testing for albumin-to-creatinine ratio and albuminuria: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Mejia J.R.; Fernandez-Chinguel J.E.; Dolores-Maldonado G.; Becerra-Chauca N.; Goicochea-Lugo S.; Herrera-Añazco P.; Zafra-Tanaka J.H.; Taype-Rondan A. | 2021 | 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e08253 |
Living at the top of the forest line: medium and large mammals in a high-mountain ecotone in Peruvian Central Andes; [Vivendo no topo da linha florestal: mamíferos de médio e grande porte em um ecótono alto-montano nos Andes Centrais Peruanos] | Melo-Dias M.; Huatuco J.F.A.; Arizapana-Almonacid M.A.; Castañeda-Tinco M.I.; Chanamé F.; Ninahuamán J.U.; Passamani M. | 2022 | 10.1590/1676-0611-BN-2021-1307 |
Prediction rule to determine canine infestation by Echinococcus granulosus; [Regla de predicción para determinar infestación canina por Echinococcus granulosus] | Montalvo R.; Nuñez V.; Quiñones P.; Balbin J.; Huiza A.; Ochoa S.; Montalvo J. | 2021 | 10.52808/BMSA.7E5.614.007 |
Strain and grain size determination of ceo2 and tio2 nanoparticles: Comparing integral breadth methods versus rietveld, µ-raman, and tem | Canchanya-Huaman Y.; Mayta-Armas A.F.; Pomalaya-Velasco J.; Bendezú-Roca Y.; Guerra J.A.; Ramos-Guivar J.A. | 2021 | 10.3390/nano11092311 |
Contribution of native endophytic bacteria in nutrients accumulation in high Andean poacea; [Contribución de bacterias endófitas nativas en la acumulación de nutrientes en poaceas altoandinas] | Villanueva N.S.; Bermudez A.T.; Mamani G.M.; Chavez M.A.; Guzman W.G.; Espinoza-Montes F. | 2022 | 10.15381/rivep.v33i5.23790 |
Arabica-coffee and teobroma-cocoa agro-industrial waste biosorbents, for Pb(II) removal in aqueous solutions | Lavado-Meza C.; De la Cruz-Cerrón L.; Cisneros-Santos G.; De la Cruz A.H.; Angeles-Suazo J.; Dávalos-Prado J.Z. | 2023 | 10.1007/s11356-022-22233-3 |
Emergency Remote Education Satisfaction during COVID-19 at a Public University in Central Andes, Peru with Low Resources and Little Online Teaching Experience | Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; Castro-Chirinos G. | 2022 | 10.12738/jestp.2022.1.0005 |
EFFECT OF BIOSTIMULANT ON THE FORAGE YIELD OF TRITICALE (x Triticosecale) IN STAGGERED SOWING ASSOCIATED WITH BROAD BEAN (Vicia faba); [EFECTO DE UN BIOESTIMULANTE EN EL RENDIMIENTO DE FORRAJE DE TRITICALE (x Triticosecale) EN SIEMBRA ESCALONADA ASOCIADA CON HABA (Vicia faba)] | Aquino-Zacarías V.C.; Azabache-Leyton A.A.; Gómez-Villanes N.I.; Jiménez-Dávalos J.; Pinedo-Taco R. | 2022 | 10.56369/tsaes.3941 |
Gesture Recognition using FastDTW and Deep Learning Methods in the MSRC-12 and the NTU RGB+D Databases | Peixoto J.S.; Cukla A.R.; De Souza Leite Cuadros M.A.; Welfer D.; Gamarra D.F.T. | 2022 | 10.1109/TLA.2022.9878175 |
Systemic-cybernetic approach in the design of a management system of a university higher education institution; [Enfoque sistémico-cibernético en el diseño de sistema de gestión de una institución de educación superior universitaria] | Taipe-Castro R. | 2022 | 10.51252/rcsi.v2i1.250 |
Determinants of university students' satisfaction with information technology based classroom use by pandemic Covid19 | Inga-ávila M.F.; Churampi-Cangalaya R.L.; Uribe-Hinostroza M.; Aliaga-Sandoval C.G.; Huamán-Pérez F.; Peña-Rojas A.C. | 2022 | 10.5267/j.ijdns.2022.4.020 |
Nutritional food security and neurodevelopment in children under three years of age from the Canipaco Valley, Perú; [Seguridad alimentaria nutricional y neurodesarrollo en niños menores de 3 años del Valle del Canipaco del Perú] | Huamán Guadalupe E.R.; Marmolejo Gutarra D.; Huamán Mijael Cesar C. | 2022 | 10.12873/423huaman |
Comparative analysis of the survival of patients with tuberculous meningitis and pulmonary tuberculosis; [Análisis comparativo de la sobrevida de los pacientes con meningitis tuberculosa y tuberculosis pulmonar] | Montalvo R.; Díaz-Lazo A.; Rodríguez C.; Castro J.; Suárez M.; Acuña F. | 2022 | 10.1016/j.neuarg.2021.09.004 |
Recent and historical developments in chelated fertilizers as plant nutritional sources, their usage efficiency, and application methods; [Desenvolvimentos recentes e históricos em fertilizantes quelatados como fontes nutricionais de plantas, eficiência de uso e métodos de aplicação] | Areche F.O.; Aguilar S.V.; More López J.M.; Castañeda Chirre E.T.; Sumarriva-Bustinza L.A.; Pacovilca-Alejo O.V.; Camposano Córdova Y.F.; Zea Montesinos C.C.; Quincho Astete J.A.; Quispe-Vidalon D.; Brito Mallqui C.H.; Camayo-Lapa B.F.; Malpartida Yapias R.J.; Corilla Flores D.D.; Salas-Contreras W.H. | 2023 | 10.1590/1519-6984.271055 |
An homage to Peru’s bicentenary: Maxillaria bicentenaria (Orchidaceae), a new species previously misidentified as M. pyhalae | Martel C.; Egoavil L.; Ocupa L.; Tello J.A.; Patrón F.R.; Laura C.; León M.; Collantes B. | 2021 | 10.11646/phytotaxa.518.2.1 |
Epidendrum alejandrinae (Orchidaceae: Laeliinae), a new species from the high Andean forests of central Peru | Quispe-Melgar H.R.; Llacua-Tineo Y.S.; Ames-Martínez F.N.; Huayta D.; Lagones Poma K.L.; Hágsater E. | 2022 | 10.11646/phytotaxa.541.3.1 |
Microbial diversity in intensively farmed lake sediment contaminated by heavy metals and identification of microbial taxa bioindicators of environmental quality | Custodio M.; Espinoza C.; Peñaloza R.; Peralta-Ortiz T.; Sánchez-Suárez H.; Ordinola-Zapata A.; Vieyra-Peña E. | 2022 | 10.1038/s41598-021-03949-7 |
Causes and factors associated with neonatal mortality in Creole sheep flocks; [Causas y factores asociados con la mortalidad de neonatos en rebaños de ovino criollo] | Espinoza-Montes F.; Peña E.S.; Matos C.B.; Rojas W.N.; Zorrilla A.C. | 2022 | 10.15381/rivep.v33i5.23789 |
Treatment of dairy industry wastewater using bacterial biomass isolated from eutrophic lake sediments for the production of agricultural water | Custodio M.; Peñaloza R.; Espinoza C.; Espinoza W.; Mezarina J. | 2022 | 10.1016/j.biteb.2021.100891 |
Biochar derived from pig manure with ability to reduce the availability of Pb in contaminated agricultural soils; [Biocarbón derivado de excretas porcinas con capacidad de disminuir la disponibilidad de Pb en suelos agrícolas contaminados] | Cabello-Torres R.J.; Romero-Longwell J.R.; Valdiviezo-Gonzales L.; Munive-Cerrón R.; Castañeda-Olivera C.A. | 2021 | 10.17268/sci.agropecu.2021.050 |
Variations in fiber density, diameter, and growth, skin expansion, and body weight of Junin lambs from birth to weaning; [Variaciones de la densidad, diámetro y crecimiento de fibras, expansión de piel y peso vivo desde el nacimiento al destete en corderos Junín] | Quispe R.; Grabiel W.H.; Aliaga J.; Quispe M.D.; Quispe E.C. | 2022 | 10.21071/az.v71i275.5681 |
Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Associated With COVID-19; [Síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico en niños asociado a COVID-19] | Torres E.P.; Urpay E.P.R. | 2021 | |
Methodological characteristics of health technology assessments developed in Peru, 2019-2021; [Características metodológicas de las evaluaciones de tecnologías sanitarias elaboradas en Perú, 2019-2021] | Taype-Rondan A.; Soriano-Moreno D.R.; Quincho-Lopez A.; Martinez-Rivera R.N.; Mejia J.R.; Timaná-Ruiz R. | 2022 | 10.35434/rcmhnaaa.2022.15Supl.1.1435 |
Transplanted Tussock Grasslands Related to Altitude, Climate and Application of Natural Fertilizers | Yaranga R.M.; Maraví K.; Román M.Y.; Cáceres D.H. | 2022 | 10.17957/IJAB/15.1948 |
Bacterial diversity in high andean grassland soils disturbed with lepidium meyenii crops evaluated by metagenomics; [Diversidade bacteriana em solos de prados andinos elevados perturbados por culturas de lepidium meyenii avaliadas por metagenômica] | Huaraca-Meza F.; Custodio M.; Peñaloza R.; Alvarado-Ibañez J.; Paredes R.; De la Cruz H.; Arzapalo L.; Lazarte-Pariona F. | 2022 | 10.1590/1519-6984.240184 |
Clinical and laboratory differences between severe yellow fever and severe dengue in emergency patients; [Comparación clínica y laboratorial de la fiebre amarilla severa versus dengue grave en Perú] | Montalvo R.; Diaz-Lazo A.; Montalvo M.; Ninahuanca C. | 2022 | 10.52808/bmsa.7e6.625.012 |
First record of Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) on Senna multiglandulosa (Fabaceae) from the central Andean region of Peru; [Primer registro de Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) en Senna multiglandulosa (Fabaceae) de la región andina central del Perú] | Castañeda H.B.; Sedano D.B.; Sedano N.B.; Tolentino D.Á. | 2021 | 10.21930/rcta.vol22_num3_art:2290 |
Validación de la cromatografía líquida de alto rendimiento acoplada a espectrometría de masas para determinar albendazol sulfóxido en plasma humano; [Validation of high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry to determine albendazole sulfoxide in human plasma] | Rosales-Rimache J.; Santiváñez S.; Moreno-Exebio L.; Grande M.; Flores-Rodríguez M.; Eguiluz M.; García H. | 2022 | 10.56499/jppres22.1423_10.5.888 |
Mean Platelet Volume as a Predictor of COVID-19 Severity: A Prospective Cohort Study in the Highlands of Peru | Quispe-Pari J.F.; Gonzales-Zamora J.A.; Munive-Dionisio J.; Castro-Contreras C.; Villar-Astete A.; Kong-Paravicino C.; Vilcapoma-Balbin P.; Hurtado-Alegre J. | 2022 | 10.3390/diseases10020022 |
Optimization of functions with derivatives in an inverted classroom: study through multiple teaching strategies; [Optimización de funciones con derivadas en aula invertida: estudio a través de múltiples estrategias didácticas] | Rengifo C.F.L.; Perez E.C.; Rivera E.R.E. | 2023 | 10.5212/praxeduc.v.18.21394.019 |
Lead and Cadmium Bioaccumulation in Fresh Cow’s Milk in an Intermediate Area of the Central Andes of Peru and Risk to Human Health | Chirinos-Peinado D.; Castro-Bedriñana J.; Ríos-Ríos E.; Mamani-Gamarra G.; Quijada-Caro E.; Huacho-Jurado A.; Nuñez-Rojas W. | 2022 | 10.3390/toxics10060317 |
Sexual behavior among patients with HIV according to age groups; [Comportamiento sexual de pacientes con infección por VIH según grupos de edad] | Montalvo R.; Katherine F.-C.; Henry S.-C.; Enrique R.-R.; Katya L.-S.; Rosales-Guerra J.; Crisóstomo S. | 2022 | 10.52808/bmsa.7e5.621.003 |
Field Campaign Evaluation of Sensors Lufft GMX500 and MaxiMet WS100 in Peruvian Central Andes | Valdivia J.M.; Guizado D.A.; Flores-Rojas J.L.; Gamarra D.P.; Silva-Vidal Y.F.; Huamán E.R. | 2022 | 10.3390/s22093219 |
Assessment of toxic metal contamination, distribution and risk in the sediments from lagoons used for fish farming in the central region of Peru | Custodio M.; Espinoza C.; Orellana E.; Chanamé F.; Fow A.; Peñaloza R. | 2022 | 10.1016/j.toxrep.2022.07.016 |
Comparison of the clinical characteristics of the first and second waves of COVID-19 in a public hospital in Peru; [Comparación de las características clínicas de la primera y segunda ola por COVID-19 en un hospital público de Perú] | Alejandro M.D.S.; Espejo J.J.C.; Veliz D.C.M.; Paucar K.D.V.; Pizaro G.R.; Otivo R.M.; Peña J.A.L. | 2022 | 10.52808/bmsa.7e5.621.004 |
Identification, Quantification, and Characterization of the Phenolic Fraction of Brunfelsia grandiflora: In Vitro Antioxidant Capacity | Mateos R.; Ramos-Cevallos N.; Castro-Luna A.; Ramos-Gonzalez M.; Clavo Z.-M.; Quispe-Solano M.; Goya L.; Rodríguez J.-L. | 2022 | 10.3390/molecules27196510 |
Respiratory insufficiency and hemoptysis in a patient with dengue: Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage as an unusual presentation of severe dengue; [Insuficiencia respiratoria y hemoptisis en paciente con dengue: Hemorragia alveolar difusa como presentación inusual de dengue grave Reporte de Caso] | Hurtado-Alegre J.; Carrasco-Lozano L.E.; Zavala-Portugal J.; Quispe-Pari J.F.; Matos-Prado E.D. | 2022 | 10.35434/rcmhnaaa.2022.152.1114 |
URBAN RESILIENCE IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND LESSONS LEARNED POST-PANDEMIC Case: Metropolitan City of Central Peru; [RESILIENCIA URBANA EN PANDEMIA POR COVID-19 Y LECCIONES APRENDIDAS POST PANDEMIA Caso: ciudad metropolitana del centro de Perú] | Velarde F.A.; Hinostroza M.U.; Vásquez M.C.C. | 2022 | 10.37467/revhuman.v11.4278 |
Computer systems in the COVID-19 pandemic confinement in intrafamily relationships of students at a public university in Peru; [Sistemas informáticos en el confinamiento por la pandemia de COVID-19 en las relaciones intrafamiliares de estudiantes de una universidad pública de Perú] | Fabián-Arias E.; Vilcas-Baldeón L.M.; Rafaele-De-la-cruz M.; Alania-Contreras R.D.; Ortega-Révolo D.I.D. | 2022 | |
Development of a dose-response model for porcine cysticercosis | Andrade-Mogrovejo D.A.; Gonzales-Gustavson E.; Ho-Palma A.C.; Prada J.M.; Bonnet G.; Pizzitutti F.; Gomez-Puerta L.A.; Arroyo G.; O'Neal S.E.; Garcia H.H.; Guitian J.; Gonzalez A. | 2022 | 10.1371/journal.pone.0264898 |
Epidendrum claustralis (Orchidaceae), another new species from the high Andean forests of the Rupestre group | Romo W.C.N.; Hágsater E. | 2022 | 10.11646/phytotaxa.574.1.6 |
History of the immortality of the soul according to Commentaria De anima and Summa theologica by Suarez; [Historia de la inmortalidad del alma según Commentaria De anima y Summa theologica de Suárez] | Ñahuincopa-Arango A. | 2022 | 10.18800/arete.202201.008 |
Sexual Behavior of Men Who Have Sex with Men and Its Relationship to Sexually Transmitted Infections during an Outbreak of the Human Monkeypox Virus | Otivo R.M.; Crisostomo S.; Zevallos L.; Ninahuanca C.; Montalvo M. | 2022 | 10.14712/18059694.2023.3 |
An unexpected record of the endemic species Polylepis albicans Pilger (Rosaceae) in Huancavelica, Peru, with notes on its conservation and complex geographic distribution pattern | Quispe-Melgar H.R.; Llacua-Tineo Y.S.; Cuadros-Rojas R.D.; Huayta-Hinojosa L.D.; Poma K.L.L.; Ames-Martínez F.N.; Espinoza T.E.B. | 2023 | 10.15560/19.2.199 |
Epistemological Contingency of the Human Person in the Context of COVID19; [Contingencia epistemológica de la persona humana en el contexto de la COVID-191] | Arango A.Ñ.; Flores A.C.; Álvarez J.G.C.; Olarte R.A. | 2022 | 10.5281/zenodo.6661373 |
Sperm chromatin stability and their relationship with fertilization rate in Sheep of the Junín race; [Estabilidad de la cromatina espermática y su relación con la tasa de fecundación en ovejas de la raza Junín] | Unchupaico-Payano I.; Alponte-Sierra A.; Quispe-Eulogio C.; Ancco-Goméz E.; La Cruz A.H.-D.; Mariño-Alfaro J.; Patiño-Rivera A.; Lavado-Meza C.; Huanca-Rojas L.; Bazán-Alonso L. | 2022 | 10.52973/rcfcv-e32157 |
Methodology to improve the accuracy of the model in photovoltaic systems | Galarza J. | 2021 | 10.11591/ijeecs.v22.i1.pp28-37 |
Evaluation of the environmental variable applied to systems of the peruvian university los andes in 2018; [Evaluación de la variable ambiental aplicadas a sistemas de la universidad peruana los andes en el 2018] | Manuel S.S.J.; Antonio V.C.L.; Casiano M.F.A. | 2021 | |
Disseminated Histoplasmosis and Miliary Tuberculosis Imitating Colon Cancer in Patient with HIV Who Refuses to Antirretroviral Treatment | Montalvo R.; Pomalaza G.; Sandoval M.; Quispe J. | 2020 | 10.1007/s11046-020-00437-w |
Perspective on the primary prevention of COVID-19; [Covid-19 desde la perspectiva de la prevención primaria] | Sedano-Chiroque F.L.; Rojas-Miliano C.; Vela-Ruiz J.M. | 2020 | 10.25176/RFMH.v20i3.3031 |
Heavy Metals and Arsenic in Water, Sediment and the Muscle of Oncorhynchus Mykiss from the Tishgo River in the Central Andes of Peru | Condor A.; Custodio M.; Chanamé F.; Cuadrado W.; Peñaloza R. | 2021 | 10.12911/22998993/134045 |
Floristic composition, structure and tree diversity of an amazon forest in Peru; [Composición florística, estructura y diversidad arbórea de un bosque amazónico en Perú] | Alvarez-Montalván C.E.; Manrique-León S.; Vela-Da Fonseca M.; Cardozo-Soarez J.; Callo-Ccorcca J.; Bravo-Camara P.; Castañeda-Tinco I.; Alvarez-Orellana J. | 2021 | 10.17268/SCI.AGROPECU.2021.009 |
Heavy metals in soils and edible tissues of Lepidium meyenii (maca) and health risk assessment in areas influenced by mining activity in the Central region of Peru | Orellana Mendoza E.; Cuadrado W.; Yallico L.; Zárate R.; Quispe-Melgar H.R.; Limaymanta C.H.; Sarapura V.; Bao-Cóndor D. | 2021 | 10.1016/j.toxrep.2021.07.016 |
Social responsibility and the organizational commitment of public employees of Perú; [Responsabilidad social y el compromiso organizacional de empleados públicos del Perú] | López Armes E.L. | 2021 | 10.19052/rvgluz.27.95.14 |
Scientific Writing Series: Cohort studies; [Serie de Redacción Científica: Estudio de Cohortes] | Quispe A.M.; Porta-Quinto T.; Maita Y.A.; Sedano C.A. | 2020 | 10.35434/rcmhnaaa.2020.113.751 |
Change in consumer habits in communication systems and attitude towards information about; [Cambio en hábitos de consumo en sistemas de comunicación y actitud hacia la información sobre covid-19 en universitarios de perú] | Alania-Contreras R.D.; Ruiz-Aquino M.; de la Cruz M.R.; Rios-Cataño C. | 2021 | |
Improvement of the extraction of carotenoids and capsaicinoids of chili pepper native (Capsicum baccatum), assisted with cellulolytic enzymes; [Mejoramiento de la extracción de carotenoides y capsaicinoides del ají nativo (Capsicum baccatum), asistido con enzimas celulolíticas] | Mendoza N.N.G.; Rodríguez S.A.V.; Lima B.L.R. | 2020 | 10.15381/RPB.V27I1.17588 |
Lead and cadmium blood levels and transfer to milk in cattle reared in a mining area | Chirinos-Peinado D.M.; Castro-Bedriñana J.I. | 2020 | 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03579 |
Effect of the adsorbent dose and initial contaminant concentration on the removal of pb(Ii) in a solution using opuntia ficus indica shell; [Efecto de la dosis de adsorbente y concentración inicial en la remoción de pb(Ii) usando cáscara de opuntia ficus indica] | Tejada-Tovar C.; Bonilla-Mancilla H.; Villabona-Ortíz A.; Ortega-Toro R.; Licares-Eguavil J. | 2021 | 10.24275/rmiq/IA2134 |
Estimation of reserves and prospective resources of Coalbed methane (CBM) in Peru; [Estimación de reservas y recursos prospectivos de Coalbed Methane (CBM) en Perú] | Santivañez J.C.H.; Cano W.E.T. | 2021 | 10.18273/REVFUE.V19N2-2021004 |
Application of Multivariate Statistical Methods and Water Quality Index for the Evaluation of Surface Water Quality in the Cunas River Basin, Peru | Franco H.D.; Custodio M.; Peñaloza R.; De La Cruz H. | 2021 | 10.3233/AJW210039 |
Eucalyptus and alder field margins differ in their impact on ecosystem services and biodiversity within cropping fields of the Peruvian Andes | Visscher A.M.; Vanek S.; Meza K.; de Goede R.G.M.; Valverde A.A.; Ccanto R.; Olivera E.; Scurrah M.; Fonte S.J. | 2020 | 10.1016/j.agee.2020.107107 |
Water Status of Polylepis Forests Related to Altitudinal Gradient, Microclimate Variables and Slope | Yaranga R.; Arizapana M.; Orellana E.; Pariona V.; Castañeda I. | 2021 | 10.12911/22998993/132425 |
Direct radiative forcing due to aerosol properties at the peruvian antarctic station and metropolitan huancayo area; [Forçamento radiativo direto devido a propriedades de aerossóis na estação antártica peruana e na área metropolitana de huancayo] | Suazo J.M.A.; Salas L.S.; Cruz A.R.H.D.L.; Vasquez R.A.; Aylas G.R.; Condor A.R.; Rojas E.R.; Ccuro F.M.; Rojas J.L.F.; Karam H.A. | 2020 | 10.11137/2020_4_404_412 |
Climate change and glacier retreat in the huaytapallana mountain range, Peru; [Cambio climático y retroceso glaciar en la cordillera huaytapallana, Perú] | Bulege-Gutiérrez W.; Custodio M. | 2020 | 10.24850/j-tyca-2020-02-06 |
Estimation of atmospheric turbidity using the IQC model in the Huancayo metropolitan area – Perú; [Estimación de la turbidez atmosférica usando el modelo IQC en el área metropolitana de Huancayo – Perú] | Suazo J.M.A.; Rocha Condor A.G.; Rosales Aylas G.Y.; Rojas J.L.F.; Vasquez R.A.; Suazo N.A.; Karam H.A. | 2020 | 10.11137/2020_3_72_83 |
Genetic effect of sires used via artificial insemination on dairy production at the El Mantaro experimental station, Junín, Peru; [Efecto genético de toros usados vía inseminación artificial sobre la producción láctea de la estación experimental El Mantaro, Junín, Perú] | Elmer Meza R.; Javier Orellana C.; Luís Astuhuamán P. | 2021 | 10.15381/RIVEP.V32I3.20400 |
Vacuum ımpregnatıon of whey proteın concentrate ınto valencıa orange peel (Citrus sinensis); [Impregnacıón al vacío de proteínas de lactosuero concentrado en las cáscaras de naranja valencıa (Citrus sinensis)] | Andamay M.; Edgar Acosta L. | 2020 | 10.4067/S0717-75182020000600975 |
Immunocastration with vaccination against gonadotropinreleasing factor (GnRF) on the production performance of rams; [Inmunocastración con vacunación en contra del factor liberador de gonadotropinas (GnRF) sobre el comportamiento productivo de carnerillos] | Payano I.U.; Villar F.A.; Zapata F.C.; Gomez E.A.; Carhuas J.N.; Eulogio C.Q.; de la Cruz A.H. | 2021 | 10.18548/ASPE/0008.13 |
Multibacillary lepromatous leprosy | Montalvo R.; Quispe-Chamorro J. | 2020 | 10.1016/j.visj.2020.100767 |
Nutrient concentrations and trophic state of three andean lakes from junín, Perú; [Concentração de nutrientes e estado trófico de três lagos andinos em junín, Peru] | Chanamé-Zapata F.; Custodio M.; Poma-Chávez C.; La Cruz A.H.-D. | 2020 | 10.4136/ambi-agua.2525 |
Influence of altitude and soil characteristics on organic carbon storage capacity of high Andean natural pastures; [Influencia de la altitud y características del suelo en la capacidad de almacenamiento de carbono orgánico de pastos naturales altoandinos] | Huamán-Carrión M.L.; Espinoza-Montes F.; Barrial-Lujan A.I.; Ponce-Atencio Y. | 2021 | 10.17268/SCI.AGROPECU.2021.010 |
Human risk from exposure to heavy metals and arsenic in water from rivers with mining influence in the Central Andes of Peru | Custodio M.; Cuadrado W.; Peñaloza R.; Montalvo R.; Ochoa S.; Quispe J. | 2020 | 10.3390/w12071946 |
Apportionment of emission sources of PM10 and PM2.5 at urban sites of Mantaro Valley, Peru; [Aporte cuantitativo de las fuentes de PM10 y PM2.5 en sitios urbanos del valle del Mantaro, Perú] | Álvarez-Tolentino D.; Suárez-Salas L. | 2020 | 10.20937/RICA.53473 |
Lead transfer in the soil-root-plant system in a highly contaminated Andean area | Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; Garcia-Olarte E.; Quispe-Ramos R. | 2021 | 10.7717/peerj.10624 |
Biomonitoring of Potentially Toxic Elements in Two Polluted Areas from Lurigancho-Chosica Using the genus Tillandsia latifolia and T. purpurea as Biomonitor | De La Cruz A.R.H.; Molina H.Y.; Monrroy X.R.V.; Beringui K.; Caysahuana A.C.; Suazo J.A.; Rafael N.C.; Gioda A.; Payano I.G.U. | 2021 | 10.1007/s00128-021-03143-5 |
Monitoring the hydrogen potential of a river in the central andes of peru from the cloud | Carbajal Morán H.; Márquez Camarena J.F.; Quiñones R.H.Z.; Vílchez E.E.D.L.C. | 2021 | 10.12912/27197050/141676 |
Potentially toxic metals and metalloids in surface water intended for human consumption and other uses in the Mantaro River watershed, Peru | Custodio M.; Álvarez D.; Cuadrado W.; Montalvo R.; Ochoa S. | 2020 | 10.17221/152/2019-SWR |
Anxiety, depression, somatization and experiential avoidance indicators in Peruvian university students in quarantine by COVID-19; [Indicadores de ansiedad, depresión, somatización y evitación experiencial en estudiantes universitarios del Perú en cuarentena por COVID-19] | Sánchez-Carlessi H.H.; Yarlequé-Chocas L.A.; Javier-Alva L.; Lacuachaqui E.R.N.L.; Arenas-Iparraguirre C.; Matalinares-Calvet M.L.; Gutiérrez-Santayana E.; Egoavil-Medina I.; Solis-Quispe J.; Fernandez-Figueroa C. | 2021 | 10.25176/RFMH.V21I2.3654 |
Alternative to traditional noninvasive ventilation using a modified snorkel mask in a patient with SARS-COV2: A case report | Montalvo R.; Castro E.; Chavez A. | 2021 | 10.29390/CJRT-2020-039 |
Potential use of residual sawdust of Eucalyptus Globulus Labill in Pb (II) adsorption: Modelling of the kinetics and equilibrium | Tejada-Tovar C.; Villabona-Ortíz A.; Ortega-Toro R.; Mancilla-Bonilla H.; Espinoza-León F. | 2021 | 10.3390/app11073125 |
Autonomous solar thermal system design for indirect dehydration of aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana l.), Junin; [Diseño autónomo del sistema solar térmico para la deshidratación indirecta de aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana L.), Junín] | Camayo B.; Quispe M.; Condezo D.; Massipe J.R.; Galarza J.; Mucha E. | 2021 | 10.17163/LGR.N33.2021.10 |
Evaluation of Surface Sediment Quality in Rivers with Fish Farming Potential (Peru) Using Indicators of Contamination, Accumulation and Ecological Risk of Heavy Metals and Arsenic | Custodio M.; Fow A.; Peñaloza R.; Chanamé F.; Cano D. | 2021 | 10.12911/22998993/135870 |
Environmental temperature and its effect on physiological parameters in Nellore cows and crosses under conditions of the Peruvian tropics; [Temperatura ambiental y su efecto sobre parámetros fisiológicos en vacas Nellore y cruces bajo condiciones del trópico peruano] | Ide Unchupaico P.; Luis Bazán A.; Carlos Quispe E.; Edith Ancco G. | 2020 | 10.15381/rivep.v31i1.17549 |
Evaluation of the distribution of heavy metals and arsenic in inland wetlands (Peru) using multivariate statistical methods | Custodio M.; Peñaloza R. | 2021 | 10.12912/27197050/135522 |
Meteorological variability and use of solar energy in the Mantaro Valley, Peru | Espinoza C.; Clemente W.; Martinez C. | 2020 | |
Phylogenetic relationship of coffee leaf rust in the central jungle of Peru | Gamarra D.P.G.; Suarez G.T.; Quiñonez C.M.V.; McTaggart A.R.; Lozano E.C.C. | 2021 | 10.15446/acag.v70n2.88945 |
Oil emulsion from Plukenetia huayllabambana (Sacha inchi) modifies nitric oxide and leptin in the liver and antioxidant and inflammation markers in the adipose tissue in obese rats | Ambulay J.P.; Rojas P.A.; Timoteo O.S.; Barreto T.V.; Vila Z.N.; de los Santos M.B.; Eguiluz M.; Colarossi A. | 2021 | 10.31989/FFHD.V11I3.778 |
Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Young Peruvian students at National University of Center of Peru-Region Junin-Huancayo | Iparraguirre R.M.P.; Porras M.M.; De La Cruz A.H.; Días Bonilla M.L. | 2020 | 10.1016/j.obmed.2020.100242 |
Bacterial colonization after applying an educational program: A quasi-experi-mental study; [Colonización bacteriana después de la aplicación de un programa educativo: estudio cuasi experimental] | Montalvo R.; Ochoa S.; Baltazar C.; Rojas A.; Acuña F.; Custodio M.; Barreto D.; Canto H.; Cárdenas N.; Flores N. | 2020 | 10.5867/medwave.2020.08.8029 |
Effect of the supplementation of mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum) and tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis) meal on the productive response and nutritional composition of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus); [Efecto de la suplementación con harina de mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum) y tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis) sobre la respuesta productiva y composición nutricional de cuyes (Cavia porcellus)] | Acuña-Beraun S.R.; Párraga-Melgarejo N.; Alvarez-Tolentino D. | 2021 | 10.15381/rivep.v32i2.18430 |
Andean Grassland Species: Net Aerial Primary Productivity, Density, Ecomorphological Indices, and Soil Characteristics | Yaranga R.; Rojas A.F.; Vuure A.V.; Llanos R.F.; Rojas A.F.; Vilchez K.M.; Calixtro M.R.; Herrera D.C. | 2021 | 10.12911/22998993/138816 |
Heavy Metals in Soils from High Andean Zones and Potential Ecological Risk Assessment in Peru's Central Andes | Mendoza E.O.; Custodio M.; Ascensión J.; Bastos M.C. | 2020 | 10.12911/22998993/127094 |
First COVID-19 pandemic wave in Peru: Purchase of staple products, knowledge, infodemic and associated factors; [Primera ola pandémica COVID-19 en Perú: Compra de productos de primera necesidad, conocimiento, infodemia y factores asociados] | Chamorro-Espinoza S.E.; Garay-Rios L.; Inocente-Ramirez S.; Echevarria A.T.; Vinelli-Arzubiaga D.; Vilela-Estrada M.A.; Serna-Alarcón V.; Arias-Chávez D.; Mejia C.R. | 2021 | 10.52808/BMSA.7E5.61E2.006 |
Gray Water Recovery System Model by Solar Photocatalysis with TiO2 Nanoparticles for Crop Irrigation | Carbajal-Morán H.; Zárate-Quiñones R.H.; Márquez-Camarena J.F. | 2021 | 10.12911/22998993/134034 |
Association of gastrointestinal parasitism with physiological parameters in improved sheep of Junín Region, Peru; [Asociación de parasitismo gastrointestinal con parámetros fisiológicos en ovinos mejorados de la Región Junín, Perú] | Villar F.A.; Payano I.U.; Sánchez N.M.; Flores D.C. | 2021 | 10.15381/RIVEP.V32I6.21677 |
The metaphysics of human pain and suffering in times of pandemic; [La metafísica del dolor y sufrimiento humano en tiempos de pandemia] | Arango A.Ñ.; Flores A.C.; Olarte R.A. | 2021 | 10.5281/zenodo.4876810 |
Effect of the adsorbent dose in Pb(II) removal by using sugar cane bagasse: Kinetics and isotherms; [Efecto de la dosis de adsorbente en la remoción de Pb(II) usando bagazo de caña de azúcar: Cinética e isotermas] | Tejada-Tovar C.; Bonilla-Mancilla H.; Del Pino-Moreyra J.; Villabona-Ortíz A.; Ortega-Toro R. | 2020 | 10.24275/rmiq/IA1101 |
Interactive platforms and knowledge management strategies during covid-19; [Plataformas interactivas y estrategias de gestión del conocimiento durante el covid-19] | González-Díaz R.R.; Vásquez Llamo C.E.; Hurtado Tiza D.R.; Menacho Rivera A.S. | 2020 | |
Conceptual design of parabolic dish solar concentrator to generate high temperature thermal energy; [Diseño conceptual de concentrador solar de disco parabólico para generar energía térmica de alta temperatura] | Clemente W.; Espinoza C.; Martínez C. | 2021 | 10.18273/REVFUE.V19N2-2021006 |
Bioconcentration and bioaccumulation of toxic metals in scirpus californicus from natural wetlands in the central andes of peru; [Bioconcentração e bioacumulação de metais tóxicos em scirpus californicus de áreas úmidas naturais nos andes centrais do peru] | Boleji L.A.; Custodio-Villanueva M.; Zapata F.C.C.; Campó W.J.C.; Fernández R.P.P. | 2021 | 10.4136/ambi-agua.2728 |
Heavy Metals and Arsenic in Soil and Cereal Grains and Potential Human Risk in the Central Region of Peru | Custodio M.; Peñaloza R.; Orellana E.; Aguilar-Cáceres M.A.; Maldonado-Oré E.M. | 2020 | 10.12911/22998993/129255 |
Types of Epidendrum antenniferum Bonpl. and Its Synonyms (Orchidaceae, Oncidiidae) | Navarro-Romo W.C.; Quispe-Melgar H.R.; Nauray-Huari W.; Linares-Perea E.; De Mera A.G. | 2020 | 10.5735/085.057.0111 |
Socioeconomic conditions and landowners’ perception affect the intention to restore polylepis forests in the central andes of peru | Joseph L.; Cano R.M.Y.; Arizapana-Almonacid M.; Pyles M.V.; de Siqueira F.F.; van den Berg E.D. | 2021 | 10.3390/f12020118 |
Nutritional value of some raw materials for Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) feeding | Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D. | 2021 | 10.1093/tas/txab019 |
Elimination of cadmium(Ii) in aqueous solution using bamboo waste (bambusa vulgaris) | Tejada-Tovar C.; Bonilla-Mancilla H.; Cáceres-López J.; Villabona-Ortíz A.; Ortega-Toro R. | 2021 | 10.5004/dwt.2021.26761 |
Ecological risk due to heavy metal contamination in sediment and water of natural wetlands with tourist influence in the central region of Peru | Custodio M.; Fow A.; Chanamé F.; Orellana-Mendoza E.; Peñaloza R.; Alvarado J.C.; Cano D.; Pizarro S. | 2021 | 10.3390/w13162256 |
Evaluation of fertility and subfertility in adult alpacas and tuis using ultrasonography, endometrial cytology and bacterial isolation; [EvaluaciÓn de subfertilidad y fertilidad en alpacas adultas y tuis mediante ultrasonografÍa, citologÍa endometrial y aislamiento bacteriano] | Guerra U.P.; Durand M.P.; Mamani L.L.; Villegas V.C.; Sucari R.M.; Chuchi E.C.; Butrón O.O.; Molina S.E.; Carretero M.I. | 2021 | 10.18548/ASPE/0008.09 |
Surface water quality in the mantaro river watershed assessed after the cessation of anthropogenic activities due to the covid-19 pandemic | Custodio M.; Peñaloza R.; Alvarado J.; Chanamé F.; Maldonado E. | 2021 | 10.15244/pjoes/130988 |
Determination of digestibility and digestible energy of dry velvet (Mucuna pruriens) forage in guinea pigs; [Determinación de la digestibilidad y energía digestible del forraje seco de mucuna (Mucuna pruriens) en cuyes] | Alejandrina Sotelo M.; Rocio Valenzuela R.; Mary Flor Césare C.; Cecilia Alegría A.; Edgar Norabuena M.; Teresa Gonzáles H.; Elizabeth Paitan A.; Maria Teresa Valderrama R.; Mariano Echevarría R. | 2020 | 10.15381/rivep.v31i1.17537 |
"I dreamed that the snow was burning, i dreamed that the fire was freezing. Actors and protagonists in the aymara / quechua world of juliaca-puno. weaving dreams for a present and future"; [SOÑÉ QUE LA NIEVE ARDÍA, SOÑÉ QUE EL FUEGO SE HELABA. ACTORES Y PROTAGONISTAS EN EL MUNDO AYMARA/QUECHUA DE JULIACA-PUNO. TEJIENDO SUEÑOS PARA UN PRESENTE Y FUTURO] | Castañón F.M. | 2020 | |
Effects of energy and protein status on reproductive parameters and presence of subclinical ketosis in Brown Swiss cows postpartum; [EFECTOS DEL ESTADO ENERGÉTICO Y PROTEICO SOBRE PARÁMETROS REPRODUCTIVOS Y PRESENCIA DE CETOSIS SUBCLÍNICA EN VACAS BROWN SWISS POSPARTO] | Payano I.U.; Gomez E.A.; Curi E.F.; Acuña W.O.; Eulogio C.Q. | 2021 | 10.18548/ASPE/0009.18 |
EPIDENDRUM CURIMARCENSE (ORCHIDACEAE), A NEW SPECIES FROM CENTRAL PERU | Romo W.C.N.; Quispe-Melgar H.R.; Hágsater E. | 2021 | 10.15517/lank.v20i1.40781 |
Characteristics and yield of basic seeds of native potato (Solanum goniocalyx) obtained in temporary immersion bioreactor under greenhouse conditions; [Características e rendimento de sementes básicas de batata nativa (Solanum goniocalyx) obtido em biorreator de imersão temporária em condições de estufa]; [Características y rendimiento de semillas básicas de papa nativa (Solanum goniocalyx) obtenidas en biorreactor de inmersión temporal en condiciones de invernadero] | Gutarra D.M.; Chagua C.P.C. | 2021 | 10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v38.n2.06 |
Perception of the public health measures implemented in peru to stop the spread of covid-19; [Percepción de las medidas de salud pública en perú para frenar el avance de la covid-19] | Mejia C.R.; Ticona D.; Rodriguez-Alarcon J.F.; Campos-Urbina A.M.; Garayar-Peceros H.; Catay-Medina J.B.; Porta-Quinto T.; Garay-Rios L.; Ignacio-Quinte C.; Guevara-Sosa S. | 2021 | |
Metal phytosorption potential of hydrocotyle ranunculoides for mitigation of water pollution in high andean wetlands of Peru; [Potencial de fitoabsorção de metais por hydrocotyle ranunculoides para a mitigação de poluição de água nas áreas úmidas altas andinas do Peru] | Campó W.J.C.; Custodio M.; Orihuela C.E.V.; Fernández R.P.P. | 2020 | 10.4136/ambi-agua.2535 |
Biosorción de plomo (II) en solución acuosa con biomasa de los cladodios de la tuna (opuntia ficus indica); [Biossorção de chumbo (II) em solução aquosa com biomassa de cladódios de pera espinhosa (opuntia ficus indica)]; [Biosorption of lead (II) in aqueous solution with biomass of prickly pear cladodes (opuntia ficus indica)] | Lavado-Meza C.; Sun-Kou M.R.; Castro-Arroyo T.K.; Bonilla-Mancilla H.D. | 2020 | 10.15446/rcq.v49n3.85823 |
Evaluation of an oestrus synchronization protocol in sheep with temporary weaning for artificial insemination at fixed time; [Evaluación de un protocolo de sincronización de estro en ovejas con destete temporal para inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo] | Molina S.E.; del Pilar Gamarra Reyes Y.; Ticona Huaroco C.N.; Huayta M.C.; Rojas G.E.; Perez Guerra U.H.; Cruz D.J. | 2020 | 10.15381/RIVEP.V31I3.16820 |
Bacterial flora resistant to hand washing in university students; [Flora bacteriana resistente al lavado de manos en estudiantes universitarios] | Montalvo R.; Vargas R.; Ochoa S.; Rojas A.; Caballero K. | 2020 | |
Adding value to home compost: Biopesticide properties through Bacillus thuringiensis inoculation | Ballardo C.; Vargas-García M.D.C.; Sánchez A.; Barrena R.; Artola A. | 2020 | 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.03.003 |
Leaf n increase, biomass and competition indices of triticale (X triticosecale) associated with bean, using diferent seed proportion in mantaro valley, peru; [Incremento n foliar, biomasa e índices de competencia del triticale (X triticosecale) asociado con haba, utilizando diferentes proporciones de semilla en el valle del mantaro, perú] | Zacarías V.C.A.; Villanes N.I.G.; Yupanqui F.F.R.; Leyton A.A.A.; Jorge J.-D. | 2020 | 10.4067/S0718-34292020000400027 |
Seroconversion dynamics of bovine viral diarrhea and neosporosis in dairy herds of the central highlands of Peru; [Dinámica de seroconversión de diarrea viral bovina y neosporosis en hatos lecheros de la sierra central del Perú] | Villar F.A.; Sánchez N.M.; Flores D.C.; Vilcahuamán J.A. | 2020 | 10.15381/RIVEP.V31I3.18727 |
Removal of methylene blue dye using Nostoc commune biomass: Kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic study; [Remoción del colorante azul de metileno mediante biomasa del Nostoc commune: Estudio cinético, equilibrio y termodinámico] | Lavado-Meza C.; Asencios Y.J.O.; Cisneros-Santos G.; Unchupaico-Payano I. | 2021 | 10.24275/rmiq/IA2291 |
The media and their informative role in the face of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Validation of fear perception and magnitude of the issue (MED-COVID-19) | Mejia C.R.; Ticona D.; Rodriguez-Alarcon J.F.; Campos-Urbina A.M.; Catay-Medina J.B.; Porta-Quinto T.; Garayar-Peceros H.; Ignacio-Quinte C.; Esteban R.F.C.; Ruiz Mamani P.G.; Tovani-Palone M.R. | 2020 | 10.29333/ejgm/7946 |
Risk factors for urinary tract infection by microorganisms producing extended spectrum beta-lactamase in children of Huancayo, Peru; [Factores de riesgo para infección del tracto urinario por microorganismos productores de betalactamasas de espectro extendido en niños en Huancayo, Perú] | Pérez Torres E.; Caparo Madrid I.A.; Bastidas Párraga G. | 2021 | |
Memorial Trílcico by Eduardo Valentín: Memorial to the Vallejos; [Memorial Trílcico de Eduardo Valentín: memorial a los Vallejo] | Vargas J.L.Y. | 2020 | 10.5817/ERB2020-1-18 |
Geographical distribution and risk factors for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Central Peru; [Distribución geográfica y factores de riesgo de tuberculosis multidrogorresistente en el Centro de Perú] | Montalvo-Otivo R.; Ramírez-Breña M.; Bruno-Huamán A.; Damián-Mucha M.; Vilchezbravo S.; Quisurco-Cárdenas M. | 2020 | 10.15446/revfacmed.v68n2.71715 |
Dietary risk of milk contaminated with lead and cadmium in areas near mining-metallurgical industries in the Central Andes of Peru | Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; Ríos-Ríos E.; Machuca-Campuzano M.; Gómez-Ventura E. | 2021 | 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112382 |
Detection and identification of a 16SrIII-J subgroup phytoplasma associated with faba bean in Peru | Torres Suarez G.; Gamarra Gamarra D.; Villar C.M.; Llacza Munive S.L.; Satta E.; Carrasco Lozano E.C.; Bertaccini A. | 2021 | 10.1111/jph.12977 |
Transfer of lead from soil to pasture grass and milk near a metallurgical complex in the Peruvian Andes | Chirinos-Peinado D.; Castro-Bedriñana J.; García-Olarte E.; Quispe-Ramos R.; Gordillo-Espinal S. | 2021 | 10.1093/tas/txab003 |
Abundance and microhabitat use of the Endangered toad Rhinella yanachaga (Anura: Bufonidae) in the cloud forest of Yanachaga Chemillen National Park, Peru | Huamán-Trucios S.; Camel V.; Mendoza E.O.; Pyles M.V.; von May R. | 2021 | |
Cadmium, Lead and Zinc in the Soil-Plant-Alpaca System and Potential Health Risk Assessment Associated with the Intake of Alpaca Meat in Huancavelica, Peru | Mendoza E.O.; Saenz L.P.; Custodio M.; Bulege W.; Yallico L.; Cuadrado W. | 2021 | 10.12911/22998993/132175 |
Association between being a vulnerable population and low level of knowledge about COVID-19 in 17 cities of Peru at the beginning of the pandemic; [Asociación entre ser población vulnerable y el bajo nivel de conocimiento acerca de la COVID-19 en 17 ciudades del Perú al inicio de la pandemia] | Serna-Alarcón V.; Charri J.C.; Garayar-Peceros H.; Garay-Rios L.; Carbajal M.; Flores-Lovon K.; Rodriguez-Alarcón J.F.; de Jesús Infante Rivera L.; Vilela-Estrada M.A.; Mejia C.R. | 2021 | 10.52808/BMSA.7E5.61E2.007 |
Bacterial composition in maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp) crop soils analyzed by metagenomics: A study in the central Andes of Peru; [Composición bacteriana en suelos de cultivo de maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp) analizada mediante metagenómica: Un estudio en los Andes centrales del Perú] | Custodio M.; Huaraca-Meza F.; Peñaloza R.; Alvarado-Ibañez J.C.; de la Cruz-Solano H. | 2021 | 10.17268/SCI.AGROPECU.2021.020 |
Drying rate of three types of solar dryers in golden berry (Physalis peruviana L.); [Velocidad de secado en tres tipos de secadores solares del aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana L.)] | Frauberth C.L.B.; Ederson P.C.L.; Torres E.T.; Hernández J.R.M.; Flores M.Q. | 2020 | 10.4067/S0718-33052020000200248 |
Violence forms among university students from junin region, Perú; [Formas de violencia entre estudiantes universitarios de la región junín, Perú] | Baltazar-Meza C.Y.; Pérez-Camborda B.R.; Solis-Mandujano D.Y.; Huamán De La Cruz A.R. | 2020 | 10.15446/rsap.V22n4.87379 |
Water quality dynamics of the Cunas River in rural and urban areas in the central region of Peru | Custodio M.; Peñaloza R.; Chanamé F.; Hinostroza-Martínez J.L.; De la Cruz H. | 2021 | 10.1016/j.ejar.2021.05.006 |
Lingual ulcer as a manifestation of systemic paracoccidioidomycosis. Case report; [Úlcera lingual asociada a paracoccidiodomicosis pulmonar] | Montalvo R.; Rodriguez-Mori D.; Fredes-Pasaca G. | 2020 | 10.4067/s0716-10182020000300313 |
Man with severe mucocutaneous leishmaniasis | Cárdenas G.A.P.; Travezaño J.E.R.; Chávez M.S.C. | 2020 | 10.1016/j.visj.2020.100784 |
Adolescents and risks of ICT; [Adolescentes frente a los riesgos en el uso de las TIC] | Fabián J.R.O.; Huaytalla R.P. | 2020 | 10.24320/REDIE.2020.22.E17.2298 |
A three-dimensional velocity of an erupting prominence prior to a coronal mass ejection | Gutierrez M.V.; Otsuji K.; Asai A.; Terrazas R.; Ishitsuka M.; Ishitsuka J.; Nakamura N.; Yoshinaga Y.; Morita S.; Ishii T.T.; Ueno S.; Kitai R.; Shibata K. | 2021 | 10.1093/pasj/psab006 |
Disease progression velocity as predictor of severity in guillain-barre syndrome; [Velocidad de progresión de la enfermedad como predictor de severidad en el síndrome de guillain-barré] | Montalvo R.; Castañeda A.; López J.A.; Mathey C. | 2021 | 10.17843/rpmesp.2021.381.5106 |
Visitor environmental impact on protected natural areas: An evaluation of the Huaytapallana Regional Conservation Area in Peru | Maldonado-Oré E.M.; Custodio M. | 2020 | 10.1016/j.jort.2020.100298 |
Scientific publication by thesis advisors in a human medicine school of Huancayo, Peru; [Publicación científica de asesores de tesis en una facultad de medicina humana de Huancayo, Perú] | Cordova C.R.C.; Hinojosa F.J.C.; Paulino J.I.A.; Huaman W.P.; Matias C.J.S. | 2021 | |
Lead in agricultural soils and cultivated pastures irrigated with river water contaminated by mining activity | Orellana E.; Custodio M.; Bastos M.C.; Cuadrado W. | 2019 | 10.12911/22998993/111715 |
Composition and floral diversity in andean grasslands in natural post-harvest restoration with Lepidium meyenii walpers; [Composição e diversidade florística em campos andinos em restauração pós-colheita natural com Lepidium meyenii Walpers] | Yaranga R.; Custodio M.; Orellana E. | 2019 | 10.4136/ambi-agua.2351 |
Anxiety and poor sleep quality in medical students. Is there a relationship with anemia?; [Ansiedad y calidad de sueño en estudiantes de medicina: ¿existe una relación con la anemia?] | Espinoza-Henriquez R.; Diaz-Mejia E.; Quincho-Estares Áj.; Toro-Huamanchumo C.J. | 2019 | |
Anatomic characterization of growth-rings in 80 potential tree species for dendrocronological studies in the central forest, Perú; [Anatomía de anillos de crecimiento de 80 especies arbóreas potenciales para estudios dendrocronológicos en la selva central, Perú] | Gutiérrez L.A.B.; Ramos G.M.V. | 2013 | |
Surveys reveal the occurrence of phytoplasmas in plants at different geographical locations in Peru | Hodgetts J.; Chuquillangui C.; Muller G.; Arocha Y.; Gamarra D.; Pinillos O.; Velit E.; Lozada P.; Boa E.; Boonham N.; Mumford R.; Barker I.; Dickinson M. | 2009 | 10.1111/j.1744-7348.2009.00316.x |
Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack): Organic bioestimulants and nitrogen fertilization on forage yield components in small campaign - Mantaro Valley; [Triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack): bioestimulantes orgánicos y fertilización nitrogenada sobre los componentes de rendimiento forrajero en campaña chica - Valle del Mantaro] | Aquino Zacarías V.C.; Gómez Villanes N.I. | 2019 | 10.17268/sci.agropecu.2019.04.03 |
Seroprevalence and risk factors of bovine neosporosis in the valley in the Mantaro Valley, Junín, Peru; [Seroprevalencia y factores de riesgo de neosporosis bovina en el valle del Mantaro-Región Junín, Perú] | Villar F.A. | 2018 | 10.15381/rivep.v29i4.15195 |
Insecticidal properties of capsaicinoids and glucosinolates extracted from capsicum chinense and tropaeolum tuberosum | Claros Cuadrado J.L.; Pinillos E.O.; Tito R.; Mirones C.S.; Gamarra Mendoza N.N. | 2019 | 10.3390/insects10050132 |
Dynamic Processes of the Moreton Wave on 2014 March 29 | Cabezas D.P.; Asai A.; Ichimoto K.; Sakaue T.; Ueno S.; Ishitsuka J.K.; Shibata K. | 2019 | 10.3847/1538-4357/ab3a35 |
Childhood anemia prevalence and its association with socioeconomic and productive factors in a high Andean community of Peru; [Prevalencia de anemia infantil y su asociación con factores socioeconómicos y productivos en una comunidad altoandina del Perú] | Bedriñana J.I.C.; Peinado D.M.C. | 2019 | |
Determination of phenolic compounds and evaluation of antioxidant capacity of two grapes residues (Vitis vinifera) of varieties dried: Quebranta (red) and Torontel (white) | Solari-Godiño A.; Lindo-Rojas I.; Pandia-Estrada S. | 2017 | 10.1080/23311932.2017.1361599 |
Wide phenotypic diversity for resistance to phytophthora infestans found in potato landraces from Peru | Pérez W.; Ñahui M.; Ellis D.; Forbes G.A. | 2014 | 10.1094/PDIS-03-14-0306-RE |
Pumpkin (Dutch maximum Dutch.) compote for infants, functional, low cost, preservative-free and of considerable shelf life: rheological, sensory, physicochemical, nutritional, and microbiological characteristics; [Compota de zapallo (Cucúrbita máxima Dutch.) para infantes, funcional, de bajo costo, sin conservantes y de considerable tiempo de vida útil: características reológicas, sensoriales, fisicoquímicas, nutritivas y microbiológicas] | Camayo-Lapa B.F.; Quispe-Solano M.Á.; de la Cruz-Porta E.A.; Manyari-Cervantes G.M.; Espinoza-Silva C.R.; Huamán-De La Cruz A.R. | 2020 | 10.17268/SCI.AGROPECU.2020.02.07 |
Urban indicators and their influence on the urban sustainable development of metropolitan huancayo - Peru; [Indicadores urbanos y su influencia en el desarrollo sostenible urbano de huancayo metropolitano - perú] | Martínez Vitor C.F. | 2019 | 10.4067/S0718-33052019000300465 |
Teaching ethics to peruvian medical students; [Enseñanza de ética a estudiantes peruanos en la carrera de medicina] | Mejia C.R.; Vargas M.; Verastegui-Díaz A.; Quispe-Colquepisco S.; Mena L.S.; Mendoza L.P.; Carbajal M. | 2018 | |
Recovery of the chromium content of residual effluents generated at leather tanning processes using the intercalation of bentonites; [Recuperación de cromo presente en efluentes líquidos contaminados generados en el curtido de pieles mediante la intercalación de bentonitas] | García-Jiménez D.; Oré-Núñez E.; Fuentes-López W.; Vicente M.A.; Gil A. | 2005 | |
Hybridization between European and African-derived honeybee populations (Apis mellifera) at different altitudes in Perú | Quezada-Euán J.J.G.; Pérez-Castro E.E.; May-Itzá W.D.J. | 2003 | 10.1051/apido:2003010 |
Potential risk of Pb to children's health from consumption of cow’s milk in areas irrigated with river water contaminated by mining activity | Orellana E.; Bastos C.; Sotelo B.; Sarapura V.; Custodio M.; Cuadrado W. | 2019 | 10.17268/sci.agropecu.2019.03.08 |
Gender associated with the intention to choose a medical specialty in medical students: A cross-sectional study in 11 countries in Latin America | Ng-Sueng L.F.; Vargas-Matos I.; Mayta-Tristán P.; Pereyra-Elías R.; Montenegro-Idrogo J.J.; Inga-Berrospi F.; Ancalli F.; Bonilla-Escobar F.; Diaz-Velez C.; Gutierrez-Quezada E.; Gomez-Alhach J.; Muñoz-Medina C.E.; Sanchez-Pozo A.; Vidal M.; Pozo A.M.S.; López J.P.C.; Panozo S.L.; Villar R.; Morales R.S.; Adauy G.A.; Toloza P.A.; De Aguilera Aedo R.O.; González J.P.S.; Brito I.N.; Avendaño J.S.; Romero F.; Alhach J.G.; Escobar F.B.; Calixto O.; Cardona Á.M.; Arias J.L.O.; Cifuentes L.A.; Acosta K.; Ospina M.; Ruíz G.D.L.; Cifuentes A.F.Q.; Ortega I.B.; Valverde C.; Fernández J.B.; Urrutia L.E.C.; Moya G.; Yescas G.; León M.V.; Gutiérrez E.; Peralta R.M.I.A.; Sulca R.V.; Urbina J.A.G.; León F.; Diaz C.; Cabrera J.; Berrospi F.I.; Muñoz K.M.; Loaiza O.M.; Torres M.M.; Figueroa J.Á.; Dextre M.T.; Purizaca-Rosillo N.; Vidal O.R.; Chambi D.E.V.; Alfonso M.; Castagnino D.L.; Mogollón C.; Maquera J.; Franco M.J.; Gómez G.F.; Castro J.J.; Vela E.J.J.; Sampé M.O.; García G.R.V.; Anaya K.R.H.; Calizaya F.A.; Lázaro L.E.G.; Medina C.E.M.; Rodríguez M.A.; Da Silva-Abreu A. | 2016 | 10.1371/journal.pone.0161000 |
Estimation of superficial urban heat island in the metropolitan area of Iquitos; [Estimación de Isla de Calor Urbana Superficial en el Area Metropolitana de Iquitos/Peru] | Suazo J.M.A.; Vasques R.J.A.; Rojas J.L.F.; Karam H.A. | 2019 | 10.11137/2019_1_135_145 |
Behavior of physicochemical parameters and potentially toxic metals in surface water evaluated by means of multimetric indices: A case study in a protected natural area of Peru | Custodio M.; Chirinos C.; Peñaloza R. | 2020 | 10.15244/pjoes/110933 |
Twenty-two years’ experience registering trials in a low-middle income country: The Peruvian Clinical Trial Registry | Alarcon-Ruiz C.A.; Roque-Roque J.S.; Heredia P.; Gómez-Briceño A.R.; Quispe A.M. | 2019 | 10.1111/jebm.12354 |
Telipogon huancavelicanus sp. nov. (Orchidaceae) from Peru, and an updated description of T. deuterocuscoensis | Martel C.; Collantes B.; Egoavil L. | 2017 | 10.1111/njb.01520 |
The proportionality of women graduated from the professional career of mechanical and electrical engineering at UNTELS: Analysis of their academic performance and labor field of action | Santillan D.Y.A.; Atalaya O.F.C.; Chacón Y.P.L.; Bedriñana J.I.C.; Santillán E.R.M. | 2020 | 10.25046/aj050147 |
Cedrela nebulosa: A novel species for dendroclimatological studies in the montane tropics of South America | Layme-Huaman E.T.; Ferrero M.E.; Palacios-Lazaro K.S.; Requena-Rojas E.J. | 2018 | 10.1016/j.dendro.2018.06.004 |
The correlation of the specific and global performance of teachers in UNTELS engineering schools | Atalaya O.F.C.; Santillan D.Y.A.; Bedriñana J.I.C.; Chacón Y.P.L.; Choque M.D. | 2019 | 10.25046/aj040625 |
Lead bioaccumulation in root and aerial part of natural and cultivated pastures in highly contaminated soils in Central Andes of Peru | Bedriñana J.C.; Peinado D.C.; Peñaloza-Fernández R. | 2020 | 10.25046/aj050216 |
Nutritional quality of maca stubble (Lepidium peruvianum Chacón) in Guinea pigs; [Calidad nutricional del rastrojo de maca (Lepidium peruvianum Chacón) en cuyes] | Bedriñana J.C.; Peinado D.C.; Inga J.C. | 2018 | 10.15381/rivep.v29i2.13405 |
Factors associated with homophobia in medical students from eleven Peruvian universities; [Factores asociados a la homofobia en estudiantes de Medicina de once universidades peruanas] | Nieto-Gutierrez W.; Komori-Pariona J.K.; Sánchez A.G.; Centeno-Leguía D.; Arestegui-Sánchez L.; Katherine M. De La Torre-Rojas; Niño-Garcia R.; Mendoza-Aucaruri L.; Mejia C.R.; Quiñones-Laveriano D.M. | 2019 | 10.1016/j.rcp.2018.01.003 |
Knowledge, attitudes and practice about TV in students from a Peruvian university; [Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre tuberculosis en estudiantes de una universidad peruana] | Mejía J.R.; Quincho-Estares Á.J.; Riveros M.; Rojas E.; Mejia C.R. | 2017 | |
Solar heating system to reduce friaje in high andean homes | Montes C.E.; Cortez P.S. | 2016 | |
Professionally successful women: Some evidence from the English-speaking Caribbean | Punnett B.J.; Nurse L.; Duffy J.A.; Fox S.; Gregory A.; Lituchy T.; Monserrat S.I.; Olivas-Luján M.R.; Santos N.M.B.F. | 2007 | 10.1080/08263663.2007.10816929 |
The power of music: Issues of agency and social practice | Long N. | 2013 | 10.3167/sa.2013.570202 |
Chromium adsorption from tannery effluents by activated carbons prepared from coconut shells by chemical activation with KOH and ZNCL2 | Bendezu S.; Oyague J.; Romero A.; García R.; Muñoz Y.; Escalona N. | 2005 | 10.4067/s0717-97072005000400007 |
Socioeconomic and productive disparity in child stunting in the central andes of Peru, taking as a model the community of Tunanmarca, Jauja | Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; Ríos E.R. | 2020 | 10.25046/aj050318 |
Carbapenemase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Peru: a case report and antimicrobial resistance discussion; [Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de carbapenemasas en Perú: reporte de caso y discusión de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos] | Quispe Pari J.F.; Ingaruca Rojas J.O.; Castro Mucha A.M.; Castro Ortega M.L.; Ccoicca Hinojosa F.J.; Montalvo Otivo R.; Prieto Pozo A.A.; Salvador Sagüez F.L.D. | 2018 | 10.5867/medwave.2018.02.7191 |
Rooftop urban agriculture model with two tomato varieties (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) and toppings in the high jungle – Peru | Alomía-Lucero J.; Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D. | 2020 | 10.25046/aj050157 |
Lead concentration in the umbilical cord and its impact on weight, length, hemoglobin and apgar score in different pollution degree areas; [Plomo en la sangre del cordón umbilical y su impacto sobre el peso, longitud, hemoglobina y APGAR en zonas con diferente grado de contaminación] | Castro Bedriñana J.; Chirinos Peinado D.; Tejada de Riveros D. | 2012 | |
Embryonic development capacity of bovine oocytes aspired by ovum pick-up and from slaughterhouse ovaries; [Capacidad de desarrollo embrionario de ovocitos de bovino recuperados vía ultrasonografía y de ovarios de matadero] | Carlos Quispe E.; Edith Ancco G.; Juan Solano A.; Ide Unchupaico P.; Edwin Mellisho S. | 2018 | 10.15381/rivep.v29i4.14418 |
Biofortification of the Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) with chicken manure compost in the central Sierra of Peru | Chirinos-Peinado D.; Castro-Bedriñana J.; Lara-Schwartz P. | 2020 | 10.25046/aj050153 |
Use of ruminal fluid in drinking water of broilers raised in high altitude conditions; [Uso de líquido ruminal en agua de bebida de pollos broiler criados en condiciones de altura] | Bedriñana J.I.C.; Peinado D.M.C.; Rojas W.N.S. | 2018 | 10.15381/rivep.v29i4.12972 |
Optimization of the operation of a municipal wastewater treatment plant with hydrocotyle ranunculoides | Quispe R.; Soto M.; Ingaruca E.; Bulege W.; Custodio M. | 2019 | 10.12911/22998993/112486 |
Prevalence of dementia and functionality in a geriatric clinic in Huancayo, Peru, 2016-2017; [Prevalencia de demencia y funcionalidad en una clínica geriátrica de Huancayo, Perú, 2016-2017] | Contreras C.; Condor I.; Atencio J.; Atencio M. | 2019 | 10.15381/anales.v80i1.15583 |
Experimental evaluation of the efficiency of a solar tube collector evacuated with and without heat pipe; [Evaluación experimental de la eficiencia de un colector solar de tubos evacuados sin y con tubo de calor] | Arias W.E.E.; Rodríguez N.I.A.; Espinoza D.R. | 2019 | 10.18273/revfue.v17n1-2019001 |
Surface urban heat island in the metropolitan areas of huancayo and arequipa/Perú; [Isla de calor urbana superficial en las áreas metropolitanas de huancayo y arequipa/Perú] | Suazo J.M.A.; Rojas J.L.F.; Karam H.A.; Mallma G.R.A.; Vasquez R.J.A. | 2019 | 10.11137/2019_2_197_207 |
Alkaline treatment (NAOH) effect in the dry matter and protein digestibility of California bulrush (Scirpus californicus) in Guinea pigs (Cavis porcellus); [Efecto del Tratamiento Alcalino (NaOH) en la Digestibilidad de la Materia Seca y Proteína de la Totora (Scirpus californicus) en Cuyes (Cavia porcellus)] | Bedriñana J.C.; Peinado D.C.; Quevedo C.P. | 2017 | 10.15381/rivep.v28i1.11793 |
Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae) potential for dendrochronological studies in the Selva Central of Perú; [Potencialidad de Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae) para estudios dendrocronológicos en la selva central del Perú] | Pereyra Espinoza M.J.; Inga Guillen G.J.; Santos Morales M.; Rodríguez Arisméndiz R. | 2014 | 10.15517/rbt.v62i2.9835 |
Establishment of an association of grasses and leguminous forage, sowed with densities of peas (Pisum sativum L.) cv "Remate" in the Mantaro Valley, Peru; [Establecimiento de una asociación de gramíneas y leguminosas forrajeras, sembradas con densidades de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) cv “Remate” en el Valle del Mantaro, Perú] | Ordoñez-Flores J.H.; Huamán-Adriano V.M.; Rojas-Egoavil J.D. | 2019 | 10.17268/sci.agropecu.2019.03.09 |
Effect of addition of organic matter on bacterial population dynamics of soil in potato and corn crops; [Efecto de la adición de materia orgánica sobre la dinámica poblacional bacteriana del suelo en cultivos de papa y maíz] | García Ventocilla D.; Gamarra G.M.; Cabello N.R.; Salas L.S.; Marín A.C.; Jauregui J.M. | 2011 | |
Heavy metal accumulation in sediment and removal efficiency in the stabilization ponds with the Hydrocotyle ranunculoides filter | Custodio M.; Orellana-Mendoza E.; Peñaloza R.; De la Cruz-Solano H.; Bulege-Gutiérrez W.; Quispe-Mendoza R. | 2020 | 10.12911/22998993/122189 |
Quality of the aquatic environment of high andean rivers evaluated through environmental indicators: A case of the cunas river, Peru; [Calidad del ambiente acuático de ríos altoandinos evaluada mediante indicadores ambientales: Un caso del río cunas, Perú] | Custodio M.; Chávez E. | 2019 | 10.4067/S0718-33052019000300396 |
Lead and cadmium uptake by sunflower from contaminated soil and remediated with organic amendments in the form of compost and vermicompost; [Absorción de plomo y cadmio por girasol de un suelo contaminado y remediado con enmiendas orgánicas en forma de compost y vermicompost] | Cerrón R.M.; Sánchez G.G.; Yachachi Y.M.; Ramos F.P.; Gonzales L.V.; Torres R.C. | 2020 | 10.17268/SCI.AGROPECU.2020.02.04 |
Lead content and placental weight and its association with gestational age, weight, length and hemoglobin in newborns of metallurgical region - Peru; [Contenido de plomo y peso de la placenta y su relación con la edad gestacional, peso, longitud y hemoglobina al nacimiento en una zona metalúrgica del Perú] | Castro Bedriñana J.; Chirinos Peinado D.; Ríos Ríos E. | 2016 | |
Seroprevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea in dairy herds of the Mantaro Valley, Junín Region, Peru; [Seroprevalencia de diarrea viral bovina en hatos lecheros del Valle del Mantaro, Región Junín, Perú] | Villar F.A.; Salazar E.L. | 2018 | 10.15381/rivep.v29i4.15347 |
Lead levels in pregnant women and newborns in La Oroya city, Peru; [Niveles de plomo en gestantes y neonatos en la ciudad de La Oroya, Perú] | Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; Ríos-Ríos E. | 2013 | |
Graduate profile evaluation model for students of education-National University of Center Peru; [Modelo de evaluación del perfil de egreso en estudiantes de educación-Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú] | Pucuhuaranga T.N.; Hilario N.E.; Huamán L.A. | 2019 | |
Capsaicinoids and pungency in capsicum Chinense and capsicum baccatum fruits; [Capsaicinoides e pungência em frutos de Capsicum Chinense e Capsicum baccatum] | Guillen N.G.; Tito R.; Mendoza N.G. | 2018 | 10.1590/1983-40632018v4852334 |
Food security and chronic malnutrition in children less than five years old in the Apurimac Ene and Mantaro River Valley; [Seguridad alimentaria y desnutricion cronica en ninõs menores de cinco anõs del Valle del Rió Apurimac Ene y Mantaro] | Rosana H.G.E.; Doris M.G.; Elizabeth P.A.; Felipe Z.V. | 2018 | 10.12873/382huaman |
Clinical epidemiological profile of oral health in peruvian native communities; [Perfil clínico epidemiológico de salud oral en comunidades nativas peruanas] | Aquino-Canchari C.R.; Caro-Aylas H.W.; Crisol-Deza D.A.; Zurita-Borja J.L.; Barrientos-Cochachi J.E.; Villavicencio-Caparo E. | 2019 | |
Evaluation of the use of potato starch as an additive for drilling mud; [Evaluación del uso de almidón de papa como aditivo para lodos de perforación] | Huarcaya J.C.S.; Tocas W.E.C.; Ruiz D.O.; Del Pilar Bohórquez Araque A. | 2019 | 10.18273/revfue.v17n1-2019002 |
High-Andean wetland of Peru: Floristic diversity, primary net aerial productivity, ecological condition, and carrying capacity; [Humedal Altoandino del Perú: Diversidad florística, productividad primaria neta aérea, condición ecológica y capacidad de carga] | Yaranga R. | 2020 | 10.17268/SCI.AGROPECU.2020.02.08 |
Phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in three maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) ecotypes during pre-harvest, harvest and natural post-harvest drying; [Compuestos fenólicos y capacidad antioxidante en tres ecotipos de maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) durante la pre-cosecha, cosecha y secado natural post-cosecha] | Yábar E.; Chirinos R.; Campos D. | 2019 | 10.17268/sci.agropecu.2019.01.10 |
Around the logicity of implication; [En torno a la logicidad de la implicación] | Marroquín O.B. | 2019 | 10.14422/pen.v75.i287.y2019.002 |
Chemical characterization of PM 2.5 at rural and urban sites around the metropolitan area of Huancayo (Central Andes of Peru) | De La Cruz A.H.; Roca Y.B.; Suarez-Salas L.; Pomalaya J.; Tolentino D.A.; Gioda A. | 2019 | 10.3390/atmos10010021 |
Emotional intelligence and academic stress in nursing students; [Inteligência emocional e estresse acadêmico em estudantes de enfermagem]; [Inteligencia emocional y estrés académico en estudiantes de enfermería] | Navarro M.Q.; Navarro M.Q. | 2020 | 10.4067/s0717-95532020000100203 |
Early learning to concentrate intake in Huacaya alpacas; [Aprendizaje Temprano a la Ingesta de Concentrado en Alpacas Huacaya] | Bedriñana J.C.; Peinado D.C.; Pérez R.R. | 2017 | 10.15381/rivep.v28i1.11841 |
Satisfaction of old graduates of zootechnical engineering for improvement of educational quality at the UNCP | Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; Zenteno-Vigo F.; Castro-Chirinos G. | 2020 | 10.25046/aj050221 |
Variability of the water quality characterizing high andean lagoons for tourist use evaluated through multivariate statistical methods, Junín, Peru | Custodio M.; Miranda G.; Peñaloza R.; De la Cruz H.; Chanmé F. | 2019 | 10.12911/22998993/109800 |
Air quality biomonitoring of trace elements in the metropolitan area of Huancayo, Peru using transplanted Tillandsia capillaris as a biomonitor | de la Cruz A.R.H.; Ayuque R.F.O.; de la Cruz R.W.H.; López-Gonzales J.L.; Gioda A. | 2020 | 10.1590/0001-3765202020180813 |
Perception of fear or exaggeration transmitted to the Peruvian population by the media during the COVID 19 pandemic; [Percepción de miedo o exageración que transmiten los medios de comunicación en la población peruana durante la pandemia de la covid–19] | Mejia C.R.; Rodriguez-Alarcon J.F.; Garay-Rios L.; Enriquez-Anco M.G.; Moreno A.; Huaytán–rojas K.; Huari N.H.-Ñ.; Julca–gonzales A.; Alvarez C.H.; Choque–vargas J.; Curioso W.H. | 2020 | |
Contemporary peruvian chronicle: Sanguineous great great grandson of the indias chronicle; [Cronica peruana contemporánea: Tataranieta sanguínea de la crónica de indias] | Bossio Suárez S. | 2013 | 10.5209/rev_ALHI.2012.v42.43030 |
Microencapsulated betacyanin from colored organic quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.): optimization, physicochemical characterization and accelerated storage stability | Aguilar-Tuesta S.; Mamani-Navarro W.; Espinoza-Silva C.; Basilio-Atencio J.; Condezo-Hoyos L. | 2018 | 10.1002/jsfa.9152 |
Reproductive parameters of Nellore cattle in the central tropics of Peru (2000-2007); [Parámetros Reproductivos del Ganado Nellore en la Selva Central del Perú (2000-2007)] | Peinado D.M.C.; Bedriñana J.I.C.; León T.C. | 2017 | 10.15381/rivep.v28i2.13057 |
Quality of the aquatic environment and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates of high Andean wetlands of the Junín region, Peru | Custodio M.; Chanamé F.; Pizarro S.; Cruz D. | 2018 | 10.1016/j.ejar.2018.08.004 |
Digestibility, digestible and metabolizable energy of earthworm meal (Eisenia foetida) included in two levels in Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) | Castro-Bedriñana J.; Chirinos-Peinado D.; Sosa-Blas H. | 2020 | 10.25046/aj050323 |
Diversity of the riparian vegetation of high andean wetlands of the Junín Region, Peru; [Diversidade da vegetação ripária das áreas alagadas andinas altas na região de Junín, Peru] | Chanamé-Zapata F.C.; Custodio-Villanueva M.; Yaranga-Cano R.M.; Pantoja-Esquivel R.A. | 2019 | 10.4136/ambi-agua.2271 |
Cookie processed with quinoa flour, tara endosperm and agave leaves fibers: Biological value and global acceptability; [Galleta elaborada con harina de quinua, fibras del endospermo de tara y hojas de agave: Valor biológico y aceptabilidad global] | Méndez A.S.; Bernuy-Osorio N.; Perez F.V.; Anticona E.P.; Ureña M.; Vílchez-Perales C. | 2019 | 10.17268/sci.agropecu.2019.01.08 |
Assessment of the aquatic environment quality of high Andean lagoons using multivariate statistical methods in two contrasting climatic periods | Custodio M.; Peñaloza R.; Chanamé F.; Yaranga R.; Pantoja R. | 2018 | 10.12911/22998993/92677 |
Potential of plastic barriers to control Andean potato weevil Premnotrypes suturicallus Kuschel | Kroschel J.; Alcazar J.; Poma P. | 2009 | 10.1016/j.cropro.2009.01.008 |
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in oncorhynchus mykiss for export at production centers in the Peruvian central highlands; [Bioacumulação de metais pesados em Oncorhynchus mykiss para exportação dos centros de produção dos Andes Centrais do Peru] | Zapata F.C.C.; Villanueva M.C.; Esquivel R.A.P.; Payano I.G.U. | 2017 | 10.4136/ambi-agua.2100 |
Use of nanoclay as an adsorbent to remove Cu(II) from acid mine drainage (AMD) | Bendezú Y.; Fuentes W.S. | 2019 | 10.3303/CET1973041 |
Evaluation of chicken manure compost in the yield and nutritional quality of alfalfa in the central highlands of Peru; [Evaluación del compost de guano de pollo en el rendimiento y calidad nutricional de la alfalfa en la sierra central del Perú] | Bedriñana J.C.; Peinado D.C.; Schwartz P.L. | 2019 | 10.15381/rivep.v30i4.15756 |
Insulin controls triacylglycerol synthesis through control of glycerol metabolism and despite increased lipogenesis | Ho-Palma A.C.; Toro P.; Rotondo F.; Romero M.M.; Alemany M.; Remesar X.; Fernández-López J.A. | 2019 | 10.3390/nu11030513 |
Trace element biomonitoring in the Peruvian andes metropolitan region using Flavoparmelia caperata lichen | De La Cruz A.R.H.; De La Cruz J.K.H.; Tolentino D.A.; Gioda A. | 2018 | 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.07.013 |
Forage production and interspecific competition of oats (Avena sativa) and common vetch (Vicia sativa) association under dry land and high-altitude conditions; [Producción de forraje y competencia interespecífica del cultivo asociado de avena (Avena sativa) con vicia (Vicia sativa) en condiciones de secano y gran altitud] | Espinoza-Montes F.; Nuñez-Rojas W.; Ortiz-Guizado I.; Choque-Quispe D. | 2018 | 10.15381/rivep.v29i4.15202 |
Interpretation criteria for California mastitis test in the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in cattle; [Criterios de interpretación para california mastitis test en el diagnóstico de mastitis subclínica en bovinos] | Gómez-Quispe O.E.; Santivañez-Ballón C.S.; Arauco-Villar F.; Espezua-Flores O.H.; Manrique-Mez J. | 2015 | 10.15381/rivep.v26i1.10912 |
Comparative analysis of student dissatisfaction of the continuing academic semesters at UNTELS | Atalaya O.F.C.; Santillan D.Y.A.; Bedriñana J.I.C.; Leyva T.N.D.; Denisse Marie Barrientos Pichilingue | 2019 | 10.25046/aj040626 |
Market and resources available to orientate the system problematic of renewable energies in Peru; [Mercado y recursos disponibles para orientar el sistema problemático de energías renovables en el Perú] | Espinoza-Montes C.; Sánchez-Cortez P.; Salvador-Gutiérrez B. | 2018 | |
Quality of refrigerated assaf and blackbelly ram semen; [Calidad del semen refrigerado de carneros assaf y blackbelly] | Bedriñana J.I.C.; Peinado D.M.C.; Chirinos J.A.O. | 2017 | 10.15381/rivep.v28i3.12581 |
Estimation of global solar radiation, using extreme temperatures, applying the bristow-campbell model in the junín region; [Estimación de la radiación solar global, mediante temperaturas extremas, aplicando el modelo bristow-campbell en la región Junín, Perú] | Lapa B.F.C.; Hurtado D.E.C.; Cadillo A.Y.R.; Hernández J.R.M.; Vivas A.B.C. | 2019 | 10.4067/S0718-33052019000400643 |
Dispersion of particulate material 2.5 emitted by roasted chicken restaurants using the aermod model in huancayo metropolitan, peru; [Dispersión de material particulado 2.5 emitido por pollerías usando el modelo aermod en huancayo metropolitano, perú] | Lizarraga-Isla I.J.; Pomalaya-Valdez J.E.; Suarez-Salas L.F.; Bendezu-Roca Y. | 2019 | 10.15446/dyna.v86n211.78812 |
Interdisciplinary nature of research projects and the solution of environmental and social problems; [Carácter interdisciplinar de proyectos de investigación y la solución de problemas ambientales y sociales] | Espinoza-Montes C.A.; Custodio-Villanueva M.; Uribe-Hinostroza M. | 2019 | |
Perception of university social responsibility in students of the Faculty of Sociology of a public university in the city of Huancayo, Peru; [Percepción de la responsabilidad social universitaria en estudiantes de la Facultad de Sociología de una universidad pública de la ciudad de Huancayo, Perú] | Condori M.; Reyna G.A. | 2019 | |
Potentially toxic metals in lotic systems with aptitude for aquaculture at the watershed Mantaro River, Peru; [Metais potencialmente tóxicos em sistemas lóticos com aptidão para a aquicultura na bacia hidrográfica do rio Mantaro, Peru] | Custodio M.; Zapata F.C.C.; Flores D.J.C.; Bulege-Gutiérrez W. | 2019 | 10.4136/ambi-agua.2261 |
Using dendrochronology to trace the impact of the hemiparasite Tristerix chodatianus on Andean Polylepis trees | Camel V.; Arizapana-Almonacid M.; Pyles M.; Galeano E.; Quispe-Melgar H.R.; Ninanya-Parra Z.; Ames-Martínez F.N.; Requena-Rojas E.; Kessler M. | 2019 | 10.1007/s11258-019-00961-w |
Organizational design through a systemic and cybernetic approach: The case of an enterprise of sanitation; [Diseño organizacional mediante el enfoque sistémico y cibernético: El caso de una empresa prestadora de saneamiento] | Castro R.M.T. | 2020 | 10.4067/S0718-33052020000100068 |
Effects of immunosterilization on body weight gain, carcass yield and fleece weight in young Junin rams; [Efectos de la inmunoesterilización sobre la ganancia de peso, rendimiento de carcasa y peso de vellón en carnerillos Junín] | Ide Unchupaico P.; Carlos Quispe E.; Gerson Flores M.; Edith Ancco G. | 2018 | 10.15381/rivep.v29i4.14364 |
Paths of peruvian education in the XXI century: Interculturalizing, decolonizing and subverting; [Derroteros de la educación peruana en el XXI: Interculturalizar, decolonizar y subvertir] | Vargas J.L.Y. | 2017 | 10.1590/S0104-40362017002500988 |
Seroprevalence of bovine viral diarrhea and neosporosis in cows in the region of junín, Peru; [Seroprevalencia de Diarrea Viral Bovina y Neosporosis en Vacas de de la Región Junín, Perú] | Fernando Arauco V.; Raúl Rosadio A. | 2015 | 10.15381/rivep.v26i3.11167 |
Subcutaneous hydatidic cyst: Report of two cases in Huancayo, Peru; [Quiste hidatídico subcutáneo: Reporte de dos casos en Huancayo, Perú] | Quispe Pari J.F.; Almonacid F.L.; Gomez E.M.; Adauto P.M.; Lagos E.P.; Perez J.C.; Montalvo R. | 2018 | 10.17843/rpmesp.2018.354.3767 |
Evaluation and analysis of reduction of late blight disease in a diploid potato progeny | Trognitz B.R.; Orrillo M.; Portal L.; Román C.; Ramón P.; Perez S.; Chacón G. | 2001 | 10.1046/j.1365-3059.2001.00567.x |
Taking part in adolescent sexual health promotion in Peru: Community participation from a social psychological perspective | Ramella M.; De la Cruz R.B. | 2000 | Ver Artículo |
A new species of Euterpe (Palmae) from Peru | Henderson A.; Galeano G.; Meza E. | 1991 | 10.2307/2807053 |
A new application of Rhodamine 200 B (Sulfo Rhodamine B) | Mchedlov-Petrossyan N.O.; Shapovalov S.A.; Egorova S.I.; Kleshchevnikova V.N.; Arias Cordova E. | 1995 | 10.1016/0143-7208(94)00058-A |
Thirty years after: A survey on the distribution and expansion of Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera) in Peru | Pérez-Castro E.E.; May-Itzá W.D.J.; Quezada-Euán J.J.G. | 2002 | 10.1080/00218839.2002.11101071 |